Chapter 2: A chance contest! (The totally coincidental event!)

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One day, I was relaxing on a tree hammock made of soft leaves and silk from the local friendly Bug and Grass pokemon Sewaddle,Swadloon, and Leavany... I was bathing in sunlight, with not much of a care of in the world watching Lilycove from far ahead...Waiting for Mr Brinny's Ship to come in so I can get dressed and on my way.

The sun never felt so good on my skin, the sounds of Swello singing and chirping made me feel like I was in a soothing concert, the sound of the waves hitting the coast line as time went by calmed my soul, and the sound of the forest swaying to the breeze made me feel like I was in tropical hevean...

Just then the ship came into the docks of Lilycove, and I was already on my way... off my relaxing leafy hammock, jumping down off tree branches to the ground, running at the speed of sound, down the mossy hills,stepping through the waters of some rock pools, jumping on the lily pads of Lotad,Lombre and Ludicolo in the ponds, running across the small rivers, sqeezing through the rock ilies,jumping and sliding down a little chute dug up by all the local ground and rock Pokemon, through the maze of the shiny mirror like caves that filled with life, out and in the massive mossy tree log that connected to the cave's ending, bounced off the massive floral bushes that lay around the end of the log... and FINNALY leading to a massive opening of a beautiful hidden utopia, full of little huts built on trees for every single pokemon, little Pokemon stalls that the Pokemon made, surrounding nature of all things that make up for each and every Pokemon, It was a beatiful home, an oasis for everything beautiful that you could ever think of!

and up the top of the hidden utopia below lay my main home on top of all the trees and vines... where you can not only see the full island in view, but you can see the other half of Hoenn from a majestic perspective.

I quickly got up there to my main home with the help of some vines and branches... I went to my front door and opened it in gracefulness...

"Hey guys get my stuff ready, I'm heading off now!" I shout as I run around getting ready.

Everyone of my family ran around me getting pieces of my disguise ready except for Gardivour, she was making some food for me for the day... (even if it is a little, it's still enough for me... we share our food to all the Pokemon and we don't have much for ourselves... so I tend to eat less than everyone else so that everyone else can have it.).

Everyone else came rushing towards me holding my various disguises, they start putting the stuff on me making sure nothing was out of place.

"First we put on a beautiful dress!" said Jirachi letting Misdreavous put on a purple short silky dress, using her ghost moves.

"NEXT, WE PUT HAIR ON!" said Hoopa letting Abipom put on a blonde long styled hair wig on me, fitting it tightly around my hair so that no strand was showable.

"Now we give out shiny shoes!" Jirachi says while she used her magic to change my shoes.

"COOL JACKET, COOL JACKET!" Hoopa shouts while Agron quickly puts on a grey short jacket on me to match my looks.

"Then last but not least, a lovely black bow!" Jirachi shouts out along with Hoopa while they quickly did up the bow in the blonde hair.

"Thanks guys!" I shout out while I run towards the door leading to the outside, Gardivour then throws me a leaf wrap with all the food I need in it.

"Great job as always star chief!" I shout to Gardivour while I open the door to a slide.

The slide is a secret chute that takes me down through the whole Island and out through a cave to the sides of the island where the beaches tend to be around them, letting me outside the Island and onto a local water Pokemon like Larpis or a Tirtoga or anything really to take me to Lilycove.

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