2p! PruCan - One who understands

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Requested by Destinyvega1223!! I need help also...I think I fell in love with Thomas Sanders...XD 😍😍 JUST LOOK AT HIM, GHAD

He is just too cute! X3 Excuse me

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He is just too cute! X3 Excuse me...XD


Gilen and Matt went out for a few drinks in a club...a few drinks...

Gilen was silent, as usual. While his friend was busy drinking a few bottles of beer. But we know that a few is a lot in Matt language...😒

Gilen had drank maybe two or four bottles, while Matt had drank five or ten bottles...God knows how much he's drank...

The dubstep boomboxed into the two's ears, making them unable to hear the what the other has been saying.

Matt began dancing on the dance floor, Gilen watched from the bar, not wanting to dance like Matt.

Matt, who was drunk as hell, pulled Gilen to the dance floor to dance along with him.

"Dance, Gil!" He demanded. "While we're here and drunk as hell!"

"Nein." Gilen declined, walking away.

Unfortunately, Matt pulled him back. "Dance. Now, Gil."

Gilen rolled his eyes. "I said nein. Zhat's final, Matt..."

"We'll have sex after this." Matt swore.

"Jou don't even know vhat jou're saying any more!" Gilen groaned. "So vhat? I'm not dancing!"

Matt tightened his grasp on Gilen's arm, and kissed him forcefully.

The Prussian gasped and pulled away. "Fine...I'll dance..."

He blushed as he began to dance along with Matt.

He didn't seem to mind the Canadian grind onto him, Gilen didn't care, nor did he mind at all.

"How about we continue this somewhere comfortable?" Matt whispered into Gilen's ear.

"Vhat?" Gilen asked, unable to hear Matt.

"Nothing." Matt smirked, pulling him by the arm.

"Matt!" Gilen exclaimed. "Vhere are jou taking me?!"

"We're going home!" Matt replied, pulling the Prussian to his car.

Matt started the engine and sped off, Gilen silent and awe struck at what Matt was doing.

There was awkward silence between the two.

"Don't crash zhe car." Gilen broke the silence. "Jou're still drunk as hell."

Matt hummed in reply. "Yeah, whatever..."

The two stopped in front of Matt's house. Well, his and Allen's house.

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