Chapter Two

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February 3, 1990

Michael Amir Williams was Michael Jackson's only trusted assistant for many reasons he only kept to himself. He along with Michael and his publicist, Dan Klores, sat in the enormous office of Neverland Ranch, waiting on a certain someone. Xendrea had reached back to Michael's camp to confirm that Prince would be at the meeting he was already scheduled to attend in the first place.

      One thing about Prince was that not only was he confusing, he was a tease as well...and very late.

      Michael and Dan were discussing the meeting; how it would go and how long it'd last. But one thing Michael couldn't keep the topic off of was the whereabouts of Prince. "Where is he? Ms. Maxwell should have already informed him of this like I instructed her to. Jesus, he's had literally a day to hop on that plane to come to California from Minnesota."


   "Just calm down, Mike. I'm sure he'll be here in just a little while." Dan tried to reassure him because Mr. Jackson really didn't have the patience for Tom foolery. He then got to thinking: had Michael actually taken out the time to explain to Xendrea about the so out-of-time meeting, would she even commit to letting her boss know? "You know, it would've helped a bunch to tell Prince himself why you wanted him here, away from his precious Minnesota," Dan said, crossing one foot over the other.

      Michael rolled his eyes heavenward before looking back at Dan in a sarcastic way. "Are you serious? Did you hear what you're telling me? That leprechaun of a man wouldn't dare give this meeting two seconds if he'd known why I wanted him here." Dan shrugged and put his lips into a pressed line. "He'd better come on, because this is ridiculous," he ranted. Amir kept writing in the yellow spiral notebook, jotting down more plans for Michael and Prince, if this meeting did go well.

     Then, as if his prayers were answered, the spicy walnut-colored door was pulled open, bringing everyone's attention to who was behind it. It was two men in black--obviusly two of the many security guards of the estate, and Prince. They stood on either side of him, allowing him to step inside when Michael gave them a nod. The door slowly closed behind Prince as he walked to the table with a satisfied smile. The bastard was late on purpose. 


     With a jacket folded on his arm, he pulled out a chair to his liking, making sure to take his precious time to sit in it fully. He sat the jacket in his lap, and studied the table. Folding his arms across his chest, he took his amber eyes from the table to Michael.

      He inhaled with thoughts going across his mind on how he could piss the trio off more. Exhaling, he asked, "Well?" Michael was quick to answer.

      "You're late," he snapped. Famous or not, you don't keep Michael Jackson waiting. Prince had a quick comeback of his own.

     "Yeah, so what? You were expecting me, not the other way around, so I can be as late as I please." Michael refused to stand for disrespect from anyone, and that was a major button for someone to press for him. Amir and Dan rose their eyebrows in fear of sonething escalating. Dan bit his lip while Amir settled for lightly scratching at the top of the table. Their egos made the whole tight, enclosed environment even warmer; the feelings of hatred were high and steaming like tea in a kettle.

     "Yes, we were expecting you, but that doesn't mean you just show up late on purpose and waltz in like everything is peachy keen." Prince unfolded his arms and placed them on the cold, wooded table. He leaned forward as Michael did the same, their eyes were slicing each other away in hate.

      "Look, Jackson, don't get your panties in a bunch. Just tell me why in God's name that I'm in this room with you so I can get back to my work." His patience had already worn thin, and going back and forth was not helping to get it back. They still stared at each other, so cutthroat and evil. 

      Neither one liked the other, but at the point of the tabloids and media, Michael would have to suck it up like a big boy and ask what needed to be asked. Prince sharply flared his nostrils as Michael looked on to see if there was something in the other man's eyes that could and would get him to break. So far, nothing. Both Dan and Amir exhaled from nervousness as they watched the ongoing star battle between both men.

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