Chapter Seventeen

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February 27, 1990

Prince decided to practice this new agreement as soon as Amir walked through the door. He nodded his head towards Michael and blinked once, then put his vision back to Amir.  Amir wasn't with Dan this time around, so had something happen between he and Prince, Michael would just be on his own. But, as he agreed to Michael and himself, he would be cordial to Amir, no matter how angry or irritated he got with him. He promised himself the night before that nothing Amir said - no matter how rude or out of the way it sounded - would get to him like it had in the past; he would simply force a smile to his face or nod as he did previously.  They both were in the main room of Neverland, and in that room, there were murals and pictures and a lot of places to sit and get comfortable. Prince sat in the usual chair that he chose, while Michael sat on the love seat. Coming from his thoughts, he emptied his throat and let the corner of his lip rise in mock expression. "Hello...Amir." He fought the urge to regurgitate after saying that vile name. As much as he wanted to die after saying, he couldn't. 

      Amir looked his way, and ignored him like he was a wall of nothing. He made his way over to Michael and sat on the arm of the couch. "Hello, Michael, how has the living arrangement been so far?" Prince's nose twitched in annoyance, his face contorting to a scowl. Michael sternly looked at Prince, a little way of telling him to keep his cool before freaking out of control. He knew what Amir did was rude, but he didn't feel like confrontation at the moment. Prince himself knew this wouldn't work, and he felt himself getting ready to pop off at any minute. Amir glanced at Prince and turned his attention back to Michael. "Michael?"

        Michael looked away from Prince and ordered a fake smile to approach his face. "Uh, it's, uh, been going well, Amir. Really great. We've actually decided on where we would be for the next month and a half. Why do you ask?" Prince bit his lip to hide the mean things that were bound to spew from the hole on his face.

      "Oh, just asking, because Dan and I haven't heard any ruckus between the both of you," he chuckled and rubbed his pants.

      Prince and Michael both raised their eyebrows. "And what do you mean by that, Amir?" Michael asked, sitting up more. Amir half-chuckled and rubbed his hands on his pants more. Prince was trying to clear his mind of every idea to kill him in cold blood, all without going to prison for the crime. Maybe he could make it look like an accident. "Amir?" Michael asked, and he sounded like he was pressuring his own son instead of his assistant.

      "Yeah, Amir, tell us what you mean," Prince egged on, crossing his arms. His eyes narrowed as he now crossed his legs and looked Amir over.

      "I mean, come on, you two. Really. Don't act like you actually like each other, becuase it's pretty evident that you don't. I know this is all for show so that the masses can get off your backs, but by now, it's a really weak attempt to start a 'friendship,'" he criticized.

      To Prince, it was getting hard to keep his mouth shut for the sake of his promise to Michael and himself, but he gripped the edge of the chair that he was sitting in as he let his lips go wild. "You don't know a damned thing that goes on behind these gates, bitch! You think you can waltz in here and talk shit like some uppity savior or something, but you have another thing coming!"

      Amir quickly turned to him as he bared his teeth like a rabid animal. "Who was fucking speaking to you, you fucking hypocrite?!" Michael tried to intervene, honestly angry himself, but he was cut off by Amir evergoing rants. "You come in here at his house and expect him to bow down to your every move, disrespectful piece of dog shit, but yet, you can't see that even Michael doesn't even want you here. You're a prick, a nuissance, a damned piece of trash that shouldn't even be worthy of a garbage can! Yo--" His sentence was cut short by a closed fist colliding with his cheek, knocking saliva in every which way that there was a gravitational pull. 

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