Chapter Fourteen

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It was getting harder and harder to contain Prince, and Michael's arm were going to give out soon. Prince was still struggling in Michael's arms and Amir stood like the smug man he was. Michael's grunts and pleading for Prince to stop only fell on deaf ears as Amir continued to egg him on; a reaction was what he wanted, and a reaction was what he was getting. Michael pulled Prince back one more time before his captee somehow broke free of his tight hold. Michael reached his hand out to try and grab Prince, but he had already gotten away. Prince stamped up to Amir and got into his face, his anger rushing as he saw that Amir still had made no movements: only the smirk that never left his face.

      Michael was now back behind him and tried to grab at him again, but Prince moved his hands behind him and pushed him away, still facing Amir. "Listen, you son of a bitch," Prince said, pointing a finger in Amir's face. His voice was low and deadly, and all Michael could do was watch as it all went down, "that's in the past, okay? So I'd fucking appreciate it if you left it that way." He lowered his finger and kept his evil look upon Amir. Prince fought the hard, itching urge to spit on Amir right then and there; he was that angry. He never wanted to do that to anyone, and was taught to not to, but Amir made him want to throw it all away. Amir scoffed.

      Amir rolled his eyes as he could hear Michael still pleading with them to stop, but he just couldn't. Nor Prince, for that matter. He harshly pushed his index and middle finger onto Prince's chest as a way to move him from out of his personal space, and it worked when he saw the side of Prince's shoulder go back and come to its original position again. "You listen here, little man...I don't know what kind of game you have going down here, but you better watch your ass. I just can't believe you would actually play nice with Mr. Jackson, just for a little publicity." Prince then clenched every muscle in his body. He wanted to strangle Amir to the point that it hurt his hands just thinking about it. Amir continued, "You think that just because you wave your fucking hand around and smile for the camera, people don't actually know what's going on? Admit, you're afraid of your little secret coming to light," he hissed. 

      "What secret?" he asked, his jaw tightened like a screw. His hands were now to fists by his side as Michael tried to get in the middle of them again to intervene, but he went ignored, again.

      Amir chuckled and bit his lip as he looked at Prince. He lowered his hand to his side as he drug his tongue over his both of his lips in a slow pace to annoy Prince again. "Come on, Princey baby, you know..." he trailed. Prince growled and felt his fingers repeatedly clenching and unclenching as they shook beside him. "You can't bear to let anyone know how the braggiest entertainer on the whole planet was almost slain by the biggest entertainer in the world almost."

      "Why do you keep bringing that up, Amir? Huh?" Michael yelled as both men almost broke their necks, turning their heads to look at him. "Why are hell-bent on that small incident? Are you that anxious to see something go down between Prince and I?" Amir's face went soft as he listened to Michael scold him. He swallowed hard as he listened to his boss on his rampage. "If you are, then you need to really get some help, Amir." He then turned to Prince. "And you," he now pointed to him, "you're not so far from this either."

      "What the hell, Michael?" Prince said in disbelief. "What are you talking about? You and I were in a good place, or at least I thought we were. Everything was all fine until your little assistant or whatever the hell he is, started talking on the past, because I thought we moved from that." He cut his eyes at Amir. "And, obviously, I was wrong," he muttered, but made sure his new enemy had heard it. He then looked back at Michael when Amir scoffed and rolled his eyes to look the other way.

      "What you two need, is to make amends."

       "No. What he needs, is a good whacking with a bat," Prince countered.

      Amir then looked Prince in surprise than anger and squinted his eyes. "You see, this is why I don't want him here! His smart mouth, his self righteousness, it's all too annoying!" 

      "Wait, you and Dan were the ones who wanted Prince and I to do this in the first place; now you're backing out?"

      There was a long silence until he muttered to himself, "I'm not backing out." He crossed his arms and walked two steps back to the couch. He sat down and growled lowly. The tension was thicker than thick and mightier than anything all three men could think of. Prince shook his head at Amir in disapproval and Amir caught it when he looked back up. "What?" he asked in demand. "I said I didn't want out. I just...this is a mistake. Me and Dan were in way over our heads, and we didn't know what we were thinking."

      "This makes no sense, Amir, but I promise to you that I am not calling all this off for your selfishness. You tell me to come and live here for both Michael and I's gain, but the moment I come, you start shit with me and almost get yourself fired." Amir looked at him in confusion, causing Prince to nod his head.

      "I did--"

       Michael had already beaten him to it, "Yes, you did. He's right: I almost did fire you, but I need you for all of this. There's only so much that Dan and I can do ourselves, but that extra push just makes it a little more easier. On a bad day, yes, I would've fired you, but keep this crap up, and it'll be coming sooner than you think," he threatened.


      "But Amir's an ass!" Prince said as he threw his arms out, desperate for Michael to change his point of view on his assistant. Michael had already pulled Prince into one of the many rooms in the mansion after the "talk" Prince, Amir, and he had, and so far, both of them couldn't agree on anything that they were arguing about.

      "It doesn't matter, Prince," he replied sternly. "I mean it, if you two are going to see each other on a regular basis, you need to learn how to get along for the sake of this agreement. For it to work, Prince." Prince looked thoughtfully for a moment and rolled his eyes with a sigh. His body language was almost of guilt, from what it looked like. It was like it was speaking guiltily tunes.

      He crossed his arms. "Yeah, whatever. But when this is over, you can kiss that friendship junk goodbye." He paused for a moment and looked to a side on the floor as he slowly gnawed on the corner of his lip. "I feel he's up to something. I don't know, like he's trying to get rid of me," he confessed in a mutter.

      "Nonsense, Prince," Michael said, making Prince look up at him with a twinkle of naivety in his eyes. "This is Michael Amir Williams, my most trusted assistant and adviser. He won't try to do anything to mess any of us up, believe that," he answered. He gave Prince a signature smile, and Prince just gave a weak one back in return.

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