Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen;

My mind jumped, and bolted around. It was like something in me, was just waiting for this day. His arms were wrapped around my waist, as his soft snores rumbled around in the air. His shirtless torso pressed against my side, as his head laid on my chest. My naked body was covered with the thin white sheet, as heat radiated from him to me. His arms flexed, as he moved closer into me. He looked peaceful, and calm. My fingers grazed his cheek, dying to feel his soft skin. Touching him sent electric shocks through my fingers to my entire body. His skin felt like velvet, like the most expensive silk. His long eyelashes, laid against his cheek, as his eyes moved under his eyelids, he was dreaming. My eyes skimmed over his beauty mark, how the defined his face perfectly. I averted my eyes to his neck, where two golden chains rested, they traveled lower to his tattoos on his chest, then to his stomach, perfectly flat with the outline of ab muscles. I changed my gaze to his arm, the half sleeve. I love all his tattoos, especially the owl, and angel wings with my face. I glanced down at my wrist, where the sparrow I got from Kat Von D was permanently inked. I smiled at the memory, then glanced back at Justin's face.

"Why do you have to be so perfect?" I whispered, giggling to myself. Bending down, I placed my lips on his cheek.

"I love you." My voice was soft. My fingers gripped onto Justin's arm as I pulled out of his strong hold.

"No, baby," His morning voice whined."stay and cuddle." I giggled, and slid down to the point, where my head now laid on his chest. His chest rose and fell with his rhythmic breathing, and his heart beat was steady and strong. His grip on my tiny frame tightened, as he pulled my as close as possible to his body.

"I love you too." He mumbled, placing his lips on my head.

"Your hair smells good." I giggled, and kissed his chest. Laying here with him is perfectly peaceful, and relaxing. The silence around us made me smile. I could just be here in his arms forever, and not have a care in the world. The sound of my cellphone blaring pushed the silence away, and filled the air around us.

"Dammit," I mumbled, turning onto my back, grabbing my iPhone from my bed side table. I glanced at the number, not recognizing it. I slid the arrow over, and placed it to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered, raising my eyebrows.

"Is the Brooklynn Raymond?" I glanced at Justin to see him gazing at me. His hazel orbs, watching everything I did. I giggled and rolled my eyes as I flicked my long, black hair over my shoulder. I heard his melodic chuckle in the background.

"Yes ma'am." I spoke, as Justin moved to my side. He laid on his stomach, his finger tips grazed the skin of my thigh, sending a chill up my spine, giving my goosebumps.

"Brooke, this is Oprah." A smile danced onto my face.

"Why, hello." I giggled, making her laugh.

"I told you, I was gonna get a hold of you soon." I glanced at Justin, as his lips trailed my thigh. Leaving soft, careful kisses.

"I'm thankful you did." Justin sat up, leaning his head against mine.

"Do you think it is possible for you to come by the studio around 3, and we can have that special interview?" Her voice was hopeful, which made me smile.

"Of course, I'll see you then." I heard her sigh, as Justin's lips connected to my cheek.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear, kissing the hollow point below it.

"I'm excited now. I'll see you then. Bye-bye." I smiled, and told her good-bye.

"I love you too." I mumbled, and the mood was killed as my front door was slammed open.

"Brooklynn!" Their voices echoed, harmonizing through the entire house.

"My girls!" I shouted back, and wrapped the sheet around me, hustling into the living room.

"Kammie, Lori!" They went to hug me, until they saw that I was only in the sheet.

"Go put some clothes on, and tell Justin to do the same." I giggled, and scurried back into my room. Justin sat in one of my gray chairs, in his black skinny jeans. I smiled at him, and trotted into my closet. I pulled out a pair of jean shorts, and a half tank. I slipped on the clothes before heading into the living room.

"My girls!" I repeated, as I hugged them. They giggled, and kissed both of my cheeks. I watched as Justin emerged from the back room.

"Hey girls." He chuckled, waving.

"Told you, they're back together." Kammie whispered to Lori.

"Kammie, you're not very quite." I whispered back, making her smile. I felt strong arms wrap around my body, as he gazed at my two best friends.

"So cute!" They squealed, until my door busted open. Three people appearing in the doorway.

Her Tattoo:

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