Mackenzie's POV

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"Hey, Mackenzie. Does your brother have a girlfriend?" Kasey, my lovesick friend asks me

"no, but trust me! he's more interested in his band than fancying any girls." i respond, a small sense of irritation pulls at the back of my mind. i guess i am a little annoyed that people kept asking me that very same question.

"Well, maybe i can change that!" she says with a wink

i just sigh, and wait for the bell to... RIIIING!!!! finally! i fold up my books, stuff them in my bag and rush out the door. as i walk out the front doors of the high school, i spot Aston, Carter and Jason throwing a soccer ball around. i just ignore them. I'll have plenty of time to be annoyed with them this weekend. i think to myself as i pop open the trunk. i start to put my bags in, something knocks me in. when i turn to get out, the trunk shuts! This is just my luck. i sit there, totally embarrassed. Luckily, i hear the trunk pop open and someone pulls it open. i look up to see Carter looking down at me with deep brown eyes and I'm suddenly frozen.

"huh?" i say, a little disoriented

"Are you all right?" he asks

"Ya, I'm fine." i say as i blush

"You sure? I think you might have hit your head."

"No, she's always that dippy." chimed in Aston, who had just ran up with a football in his hand.

"Hey , sorry bout that throw, Carter." Jason says as he runs up, then he notices me coming out of the trunk. " Did u just fall in?"

"No i was taking a nap in the trunk." i say with heavy sarcasm.

I gave him a look of duh when i got a text from Mom telling us that she was ready to head to the lake. so i got the boys in the car, hopped in the drivers seat, put in my favourite CD and headed off to the lake. it was about 15 minutes before anybody said anything, but when they did it was weird.

"So, Mackenzie. What do you do every time we go camping?" Carter asked

"Why do you want to know?" i say as i start to put up my usual barriers when ever I'm around him. its strange every time I'm around him i start to say everything about myself. i don't like it.

"Well, i don't know... its just kinda weird 'because sometimes i wanna hang out with you too." he said nervously

WHAT?!?! this is my brothers best friend that wants to hang out with me o.O i think as i swerve to miss a squirrel running across the road.

" He's just joshing you, sis! Don't let it go to your head!" Aston says, seemingly to save Carter

" OK, then i wont" i reply

YAY!! MY FAVOURITE SONG!! i thought but just i thought that right as my ignorant brother turns it to his CD which is his new favourite heavy metal band. This just plainly pisses me off. i change it back to my CD but he gets irritated too. So we keep changing it between Cd's and then suddenly Jason pipes up.

" hey how bout we listen to the radio, huh? because this back and forth is giving me a headache"

"Agreed" chimes in Carter

i give in a change it to my favourite station. but my brother decides otherwise. then comes the back and forth again. when i went to change it back to my station, he had the nerve to grab my forearm and shove it back causing me to swerve into the ditch.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!? YOU COULD'VE MADE US WRECK!!!!" i screamed at him

"WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD GET BETTER TASTE IN MUSIC, SIS!!!" he said his nick name for me with such a snotty tone.



"get out of my car." i said through clenched teeth

"no, I'm saving your hide. you know mom and dad would take away all your music, your fone and your guitar. so i suggest you just keep on driving like the little goody-two shoes you are. hmm?" he said like the little know-it-all he thinks he is.

"fine." i said as i push on the gas.

I decided to put in my other CD, the only kind of music my brother and i actually both like. Classical Symphonies. i know what you're probably thinking 'what? how can you like old people music?'. Well i dont know we just do. When we were small kids that was the only thing that would get us to be quiet. it was our lullaby. Mom would used to sing us the tunes before bed and we would always have great dreams. No nightmares. Ever. so it was really nice to listen to it after my stress filled day.

"What is this crap?" Jason said as he reached forward to change it.

I slammed on the breaks, whipped around and hissed:

"You touch that button, and your walking."

Jason put his hands up innocently and slowly sat back down. i faced the road and started to drive again. As i drove, i got lost in the layers and layers of the different instruments. I could hear the trumpets melodies, while the french horns would echo the melody, the trombones in tune with the baritones, the percussion with their smooth, sweet rhythms and the flutes, saxes and clarinets with their fluttering notes. I was so lost in the music, I would have missed our turn if Carter hadn't snapped me out of it. The Redwood turn. That meant only 5 more minutes. i could just hear the water rushing by, the song birds singing the tune to my song and the light strums of my guitar...

"So Mackenzie, you wanna hear our newest song?" Carter said, nervously

"Uh... what?" i replied completely perplexed

"i don't know just something to end the weird silence." he said hesitantly

"well i have heard you guys practice downstairs."

"oh ok.... So hows your song coming along?" he said. What?! nobody about my song writing except for...

"Aston" i hissed through clenched teeth "did you tell your friend about that?"

"What? I'm appalled you would ever suspect me, dear sister." he said innocently

"To answer your question Carter, it's going well." i said keeping my cool

Just then we pulled up to our camper. Finally,now time for some peace and quiet Mackenzie time!!! I thought to my self as we get out and greet our parents.

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