Derrick's POV

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Mackenzie has no clue how ecstatic she made me by considering my offer. But as I lay down in the tent that her parents offered Dom and I to sleep in, instead of our car, i thought 'was that it was all moving too fast.' I had decided I would maybe take her out on a date maybe... but there wouldn't be enough time. We had to leave in a week. I sneak out of the tent and walk over to Mackenzie and Shaylee's tent.

"Mackenzie, are you awake?" I whisper

"uhnnn, go away Aston. I'm not in the mood." she grumbles

I couldn't help but giggle.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not Aston."

I start to hear her moving around Shaylee trying not to disturb her. She must have stepped on something cuz she cursed before she poked her head out of the opening.

"Derrick? What are you doing, it's..." she takes a look at her phone "1am?"

"I couldn't sleep. and I couldn't very well talk to Dom or Shay cos they need their sleep." I say nervously. Gosh she looks beautiful.

" Well what do you need?" she asks, looking for an expression on my face in the dark

"I was actually hoping you would come down to the lake with me."

"uhh sure! Just let me change my attire."

I blush "of course, sorry."

She giggles sweetly and heads back in the tent. A few minutes later, I hear the tent unzip and I see Mackenzie come out wearing a very fitting pair of sweats and a sweatshirt that says 'free hugs'.

"Ready!" she says with a cute smile.

I smile as we start to walk down to the lake. and as we are walking, there is this lingering awkward silence that I feel compelled to break.

"Cheeseburgers and Jellybabies." I say trying to be cute and ease the tension.

"Are very delicious, but not together." she says, finishing my sentence.

"HAHA very true! Spoken like a true lover of food," I say with a slight giggle right before I realize my faux pas. "not saying you're fat or anything I just meant that not many people love food enough to make such a comment and I was just recognizing the fact you said that like you love food. not saying you're fat. heh" What is wrong with me? I'm fumbling like an idiot. She's going to hate me now. I thought as I heard her start to laugh.

"I'm sorry," she says in between giggles

I smile back at her and start to laugh as well. Most people would just give me a look like I'd grown a third arm and tell me that I'm weird but she's not most people. She's far from that classification.

"So what are we planning on doing at the lake?"

"Well I was hoping to just talk and stargaze. If that's alright with you."

"Sounds delightful!"

I was starting to notice that her mood is way more light in the evening. She seems more care-free and not so brooding. We kept walking and though there was silence between us, it was no longer awkward. We get down to the lake and find the perfect spot to lay down and relax. We start to talk and I soon realize I am too tired to make sense so I just listened to her talk about everything; from school to college to friends to family to music to her plans for the future. It was so wonderful to hear her so passionate about the things she loves and how free she felt about talking to me about the things she doesn't like. When she stopped talking I looked at her and she looked at me. And then she dozed off, into a beautiful, peaceful slumber.

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