Immunity - Chapter Three

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    The first step was to find somewhere else to seek shelter for the night until I figured out the rest of the steps. Fortunately for me, I always carried my father’s journal with me everywhere I went so it was one of the things we could actually deem resourceful. He had marked another shelter, one more hidden, more near the highway and away from the city which was a negative point. I was going to have to go there tomorrow, to go back to the house and grab more stuff so that we could survive. At least for a little longer.

    I would go alone and in the daylight, when there weren’t any patrols trying to find me and I could see easier. It would be a full day’s journey at the most. To go into the city, go home, stock up, and come back hopefully all in one piece. I told this to my siblings who weren’t the most delighted at the news but agreed with me.

    We were currently making our way as quickly as we could to our designated location, running before the darkness came upon us which wasn’t a lot of time. Only about 30 minutes or less to make it. We stopped as we met the deserted highway, cars pushed to the sides and dead people inside them. I poked my head behind the low metal gate and stepped over it, watching if the coast was clear. I nodded to them and we ran across the stretch of pavement, kicking up the upturned dirt.

     “We’re nearly there.” I pant, struggling to read the map and run at the same time. “This way.” I said as we turned to the left to only meet a dead end. My mouth forms an ‘O’ in shock and I run up to the grove and yell in frustration, hitting the leaves until no end. Well until my hand caught on a thick material which turned out to be camouflage tarp hidden underneath the vines and leaves.

    I pulled it back quickly and it revealed to a metal door with a lock on it. I grunted in frustration and kicked the door, hoping my answers would come from doing so. I turned around to see Cale with a pale face.

    “I know this isn’t what we expected but I- I don’t have any key, I don’t know what Dad was talking about.” I explained to the both of them. Cale cleared his throat and took something from his pocket with shaking fingers, “I do.” He squeaked out.

    I eyed him with a curious look as he walked past me and to the door, placing the key into the lock firmly and turning it. The door opened and revealed to a dark room, “Ladies first.” He said casting his eyes to the floor, troubled. I patted him on the way in, unsettled at his mood, holding Ria’s hand and walking inside. The first thing I did was go to the right side of me and find a light switch, flicking it on.

    The lights above us flittered off and on slightly as if it had been a long time since it’d have a visitor. This was strange, seeing as that I expected for the Reapers to shut down all electricity, unless this ran on solar power. I heard the door behind us lock and we took the sight all in, cause this must’ve been Dad and his friends’ office or something.

    There were couches spread into a V, shelves to our left full of sleeping bags, first aid kits, and preservatives of food. This was a miracle! There was a very large cabinet in the back next to a table and what I assume was a kitchen. Oh I think I know what that was for, and without another word we all ran to it. We opened it and gaped at all the weapons, guns and knives. Hell, you could mistake my father and his friends’ hobby as assassination.

    There were guns mostly made for hunting animals but some that were just big and beautiful, capable of killing even a grown man. There was even a tiny one that was small enough to be for Ria’s size until I notice the initials engraved into it, L.S and C.S, Leigh and Cale Sonclare. This was the gun our father used to teach us how to use when we were eleven. Cale must’ve noticed because he picked it up and looked at it sadly, smiling faintly and giving it to our sister. She looked at the initials and looked back at us, a look of excitement covering her face.

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