[2] The Runaway

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Estelle's POV -Present Day-

"You slut, why are you even alive? no one loves you, no one will ever love you, you might as well be dead!" Danae yells at me

I run into the bathroom lock the stall and sit on the toilet, I reach into my pocket and take out my blade, I pull up my sleeves and place the blade on my skin pressing down hard and gliding it across my skin releasing the mental pain from my head

"We know your in here bitch! what are you doing?" Kayla says

"Lets climb over!" Ciara yells

I immediately pull down my sleeves and put away my blade. I look up and see Ciara and Kayla climbing over into my stall. I unlock the stall and run out, I keep running past the students past the classrooms, and past the principal

"ESTELLE WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING?!!" Mrs Donnelly yells as I run out the school gates

I run to the nearest hotel and go to the front desk

"Hello welcome to The London Court what do you need?"

"C-can I p-please get a room on the top f-floor?" I ask with my voice breaking

"Yes of course how long?"

"I'm not sure can I just pay for a month, in cash" I don't want my dad tracing the credit card back to this hotel

"Of course, do you have a credit card?" she asks I nod handing her my card she hands me my card back and my room key

"Have a good stay"

"Thank you" I reply as I run to the elevator still crying my eyes out, scared of my dad, scared of the bullies, and the pain of the deep cuts

I get to my floor and I see a guy approaching my direction

Niall's POV

I walk down the hall and see a girl just walking with her face in her hands crying

"Ow" I yell as she bumps into my stomach

"I-I'm S-s-sorry" she sniffles walking past me

I grab her arm and pull her back to me she starts shaking heavily

"Are you ok?" I ask


"No your not" I cut her off "come with me" I tell her linking her arm with mine tightly so she wont run

I get to my room and place her on the bed and i sit next to her

"What's wrong Darlin' you can tell me"

"It's nothing I'm f-fine" she says as her voice cracks still not revealing her face

"Can you tell me your name?" I ask

"Estelle" she says with her beautiful English accent

"That's a beautiful name, My name is Niall" I say hoping that she may be a fan but she still doesn't reveal her face

"I wont hurt you, I promise can I see your face"

She slowly pulls away her hands revealing her beautiful face, Her golden brown hair, brown eyes, she's stunning

"I know"

"What do you know?" I ask in confusion

"I know, I'm ugly..." Estelle said glumly

"Estelle, you are the most gorgeous girl I have ever laid eyes on" I tell her she doesnt blush or anything she just retorts my statement

"Stop lying to yourself Niall, please just so me a favor and stop"

"Elle, believe me, I'm not lying, you are truly beautiful"

Estelle's POV

Niall keeps staring at me, like I'm Jesus or something, I don't deserve to be here with him I should be up in heave, not in this hell hole

"Sorry, I'm bothering you, I'll go" I say standing up heading towards the door

Niall grabs my hand forcing me to turn "Please don't go... I like having you here"

"Why?" I ask

"You have such a glow, you may not be showing it, but I sure can feel it"

I feel my cheeks turn pink and I cover them

"What room is this?" I ask awkwardly


"Oh, I'm next door, I'm 770" Niall's eyes start to glow a beautiful blue

"Do you want to hang out then?"

"Could we stay indoors? I'm not really in the mood to go out in this state"

"Of course, we could watch a movie" I suggest

"Yeah sure, you choose"

"How about Grease, It's my favorite!"

"Ive never seen it" I tell him awkwardly

"What?! why not?" he asks

"I don't have a TV or computer or a phone so I couldn't really watch it..."I say very awkwardly

"Oh... well what did you do then?"

"I would drive into the city and play music hoping that someone would notice me"

"Have you?" he asks

"Nope, but enough about me what do you do? like whats your job?"

Niall's POV

He doesn't know about One Direction? ummm ok

"Have you heard of One Direction?" I ask

"Ive heard of them, why?" She asks

Shes so clueless "Because I'm a member of One Direction" her eyes go from eyes of pain to eyes of shock and disbelief

"What? really? so you can sing?"

"You could say so, and by performing what did you mean?" I ask

"I would play guitar and sing..."

"Can I hear something?"


"Why not?" I ask

"Because I don't know you"

"Well ill get you to know me and then you can sing for me" I tell her


We talked for hours just asking each other questions about each other and eventually laid down next to each other until we both fell into a much needed sleep


I have over 4000 reads on my main story OMGEE I hope that this story could get that far, there is a lot that can happen in this fanfic (I am not going to do any 'pregnancy' things in this story because it happens to often and sometimes it ruins a fanfic 


-Estelle ran out of school

-Estelle booked a room at a hotel

-Niall bumped into Estelle in the hallway

-They watched movies together

-They are good friends at the end of this chapter due to the amount of unseen talking they did

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