2. When [He] Walked Through the Door and Right [into] My Life...

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I was ...shocked? Not even sure if that's the right word....confused?.. I was breathing hard, trying to process what just happened.


Joe "Come on, Jess, I don't have all day! Let me in!"

Jess *locks door*

Joe "Are you serious? What's wrong with you? Are you OK?"

Jess *thinking* I am sure there is a perfectly perfect explanation for this...what am I talking about? Joe flippin' Jonas is right outside my door and... O_O did I just slam the door right in his face...twice? and LOCK it? What is WRONG with me??

*to Joe* "I'm sorry...I'll....I'll be right out!"

Joe "Fine! But hurry...My hair doesn't do itself."

Jess "Of course not" *giggles*

*thinking* OK...now what do I do? Do I just act like this is perfectly normal and I've been here all along?

I mean, I'm sure this happens all the time, right? Joe Jonas in your house....Maybe I'm in some kind of alternate universe....a JoBroNiverse. Yeah, that's it! OK, whatever BS-ing myself is really not working out for me so well....

Joe "What are you doing in there? No, wait never mind. I don't think I wanna know."

Jess *thinking* I should tweet that : @joejonas is very impatient in the morning when his hair's not perfectly done yet.. *giggles*

Seriously, though. If this is like any of my dreams I should be...wait! Were they even dreams? Aww man...so...do I just play along? But oh boy, I don't even know "who I am"..

*singing* I want someone to love me...for who I am.

*snaps out of it* Still thinking to herself* Like am I their sister? Oh gosh I sooo hope I'm not romantically linked to any of them O_O Please, Lord, let me be their sister!

*out loud* "Coming!"

Joe "it's about time!"

Jess *giggles* *thinking* I can't believe he just made a JB reference...dork.

*opens door slowly*

Joe *both hands in his pockets* "So are you just gonna slam that door right back in my face? I'd just like to know ahead of time this time."

Jess "Sorry"

Joe *enters bathroom* OUCH! What the...? Jess! Why are you leaving your DS lying around on the ground?

Jess "Oh yeah,...umm... you broke it!!"

Joe *crosses arms in front of his chest, all serious* "How? I wasn't even in the same room as you, REMEMBER?" *smiles*

Jess "Well...you indirectly broke it!"

Joe *raises eyesbrows* "I 'indirectly' broke it?"

Jess "I opened the door...you were standing right there...and then I dropped it. Your fault." I concluded.

Joe "Nice! But no, sorry! Well, we have to go to the mall later anyway, maybe ....MAYBE...I'll get you a new one. I mean you still have that old red one...that one doesn't even have a camera!"

Jess *singing in her head* I'm talking to Joe Jonas. I'm talking to Joe Jonas.

*out loud, serious* HEY! Don't hate on my cool red DS *giggles* but yeah...maybe.

*thinking* I hate when people just buy me stuff.

Joe *grabs hair product*

Jess "So...are there any others?"

What? Don't shake your head at me for being hopeful! If this was anything like my "dreams" (so not sure if they even were dreams anymore!) all of them should be here somewhere, right? Of course, Joe was completely confused, of course.

Joe "Huh? 'Any others?' What am I? An alien?"

Jess *squints her eyes*

Joe *puts up his index as a warning*

Jess "Nope...just a humanoid...*sees Joe wiggling his finger* ....awesomtastic ball of awesomeness!!?!?" *smiles wide*

Joe *shrugs shoulders* "I kinda like that...*grabs razor* so this Taylor guy.." *gives Jess questioning look*

Jess "It's Tyler!"

Joe "And...?!?" *waves around with razor*

Jess "Oh. he's one of my brothers..."

Joe *sighs* "Very funny! If he's some guy you like, you better tell me now!"

Jess O_O "eww! No! It is definitely not like that! TRUST ME!"

*thinking* OK so recap. I am in my bathroom. Quite normal. With Joe Jonas. Not so normal. I was basically just accused of having a crush on my twin brother. SOOOO not normal....so that must mean my brother..I'm guessing all my brothers and my parents...don't exist? I don't know what's going on...but I'm loving it.

*looks at Joe*

Joe *now with toothbrush in mouth* "I'm fo glad you back wiff uff"

Jess *smiles* "I'm glad I'm back with you, too"

*thinking* 'back'? So I must have been here before....of course, I have! This is my house!

I turned around and saw that the door had moved to the other side of the wall...and there was an additional door on the opposite side of it.

Jess "OMJ that is JUST like in my dream! My room connected directly to the bathroom and this extra door was there, too! And I was actually wondering whose room that was and who I shared a bathroom with and..."

Joe *spits out toothpaste, puts toothbrush back* "Are you feeling OK? First you act completely shocked to see me..."

Jess *interupts* "But you always complained that I always acted surprised with Nick and Kevin and not with you in my drea-...nevermind"

Joe "...then you say stuff like that....and what do you mean you had a dream where the bathroom looked just like this? It's always looked like this!" *feels Jess' forehead* "Well, it's not a fever. Guess, you're just being your weird self" *grins and makes his way towards one of the doors* "Ouch! Darn it, Jess!" *picks up broken DS and leaves*

Me? I was basically just standing there with a huge idiotic grin on my face.

Jess *thinking* Joe Jonas just flippin' touched my forehead! And he was nice to me! And he was glad I was "back"!....what does that even mean? I still don't know if they're my brothers or not.. Guess, I'm about to find out!

And with that I walked towards the same door Joe had disappeared through...

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