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John was awake and wailing now, and now was when I had to leave to pick up Jacalyn. I knew she had a car, so why hadn't she left it here? She could be so frustrating sometimes! I felt like Spock-the one who called everyone else illogical. I was the only sensible one here, for God's sake!

Now that Mother had the triplets, she was going to have a full-time job: being a big sister. The only job that I had as of now was big sister, even before the triplets were born: Jacalyn came out second, about an hour later. Always fun. Mother wasn't expecting two, so when Jacalyn decided to come out, Mother was not prepared in the least, so, of course, the second one was harder.  Kind of ironic, since Jacalyn was the rebel.

I looked at John and began to coo, very unlike me. "It's okay, Johnny-boy. It's me, Lunette. I'm right here. You're going to be perfectly okay. Lunette loves you. Remember that."

I finally got to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of formula out of the refridgerator. I quickly put it in the microwave and heated it for about 45 seconds, the way I was taught in my babysitting class. I shook the bottle to even out the heat.

"Here you go, Johnny-boy. It's feeding time!" I put the bottle to his lips and he quickly drained it before falling asleep against me.

I grabbed the diaper bag, my keys, and my purse, hurrying outside to the car to pick up Jacalyn.

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