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A woman frowned and drummed her fingers on the table impatiently as she stared at the papers displayed in front of her. As much as she wanted too, she  couldn't just ignore what was going on.

She paused in her drumming on the table as she shoved the papers aside. Underneath them sat a small blue button which she quickly pressed three times and then after a short pause a fourth.

She resumed the drumming of her fingers as she picked up a piece of paper before crumpling it in annoyance. "Why now? Why at all?" She groaned flopping face first on to the table.

She laid like that for a few minutes more until she heard the door open and footsteps followed it.

"Doing paperwork again?" A voice asked. She turned to look as nine people walked in.

"Something even worse, Revenge. Much worse."

"There's something worse than paperwork?"

"Unfortunately," she sighed sitting up and turning to face them. "There have been strange occurrences going primarily across the US but also across Rome and Greece as well. So I need you  all to do something more than watch. You are more than just regular Watchers. You nine are my Knights after all."

"So what would you like us to do My Lady?" A girl asked.

"Investigate these happenings. Many of which have been happening close to Olympus. So I believe it would be best for you all to stay at Camp Half-Blood for the time being."

"What about the people we Watch?" A boy asked confused.

"Unfortunately this takes precedent but you can try and protect him in person Gemini," she told him. "Although I don't recommend sharing your true identities. It will only raise questions. And less they know about us the better. We do try to work in secret after all." Slowly she stood up from her chair and turned to face the nine standing there looking each in the eye in turn. "So I ask you, Beauty, you Destroyer, you Healer, you Gemini, you Forge, you Arrow, you Huntress, you Revenge, and you Omega. Will you aid me in this fight?"

"Yes Lady Chaos," the group chanted in unison to which she smiled.

"Uh I'm gonna take a wild guess and say I'm Omega?" A boy asked raising his hand.

Chaos nodded. "I figured you being named after your sword would've given you away immediately. So for now you are named Omega until you find something better to call yourself."

Omega shrugged. "Omega it is."

"Do you know who is behind things strange happenings?" Huntress questioned.

Chaos' smile fell from her face. "He calls himself End. He is my brother and he has always sought out destruction unfortunately. By investigating I'm sure you can find what he is up to and then we- together- can put a stop to him. Now, all you should go ready yourselves. I shall send you there tomorrow morning. I wish you luck my Knights."

With that said the nine Knights made their way out of the room leaving Chaos alone. She immediately deflated and sunk back in her chair. Her hands began to massage her temples as she glanced down at a picture on the table of papers. After a moment she reached out to touch it and watched as it began to crumble to dust in her fingers. "My Knights," she sighed as she watched the photo disappear before she began to reform it again. "I just wish I did not have to lie to you all."

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