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"So in other words we need Google Translate to  figure out what this kid is saying, but we can't use electronics?" Revenge summed up.

"More or less," Will sighed.

"So I take it even with your Chaos powers none of you can magically speak all languages?" Thalia commented. "How unhelpful."

"There's usually no need to speak multiple languages," Arrow told them. "But he's a demigod right? Can't he write it down in Ancient Greek?"

The demigods looked between each other as if this was the first time it had crossed their minds.

"I'll get him," Malcolm announced leaving the room.

"There we go, easy peasy," Destroyer stated.

"We still have to find Chiron," Annabeth corrected. "His situation is also in the middle of these strange occurrences you all are interested in."

"Two birds with one stone," Omega nodded. "Sounds good to me."

"He's gone," Malcolm shouted out of breath when he returned about ten minutes later. "No one has seen him all day, his siblings said he was gonna stay inside all day because everyone was annoying him. Well, he's nowhere now."

"How lovely," Thalia muttered. "Things are just getting better and better don't you think?"

Omega opened his mouth to respond when Forge grabbed his arm and cut him off,

"Would you mind excusing all of us for a moment?" He asked. "I've got a message from our boss Chaos."

The demigods didn't seem to believe a word he said, but either way the four of them left the room leaving the knights alone.

"Why would she send it to you and not me?" Omega asked.

"Because there's no message," Forge replied. "But I just thought of something, if Chaos sent Chiron dreams about us that had to have been a week ago, because she would've known if he had disappeared. And if that kid's dream and disappearance, Chiron's disappearance, and the strange things which are happening with End are all connected... How did End even know?"

"He must have been watching this place closely," Omega nodded. "But this also raises the question of why Chaos didn't tell us he's not here."

"They're siblings right?" Huntress brought up, "Maybe he's obscuring her power. So she can't see things clearly."

"I'm more confused as to the fact she has a brother and yet no one is history has ever heard about him before," Arrow commented.

Omega nodded and looked up at he ceiling as if he could look through it and see Chaos herself, "You're clearly not telling us the whole story."

"She must have a good reason," Healer insisted. "We just need to do what she said and investigate and maybe things will just fall into place."

"But we can't investigate without Chiron due to the deal," Gemini reminded him.

"Let's split up," Omega suggested. "Half of us go with some do the demigods to follow the route to Olympus that Chiron took. The other half stays here and waits for something strange and then investigates it, sound good?" When the others nodded he called for the demigods to come back into the room. "We are going to split our group in two, one to go with some of you to find your mentor, the other to stay here and investigate."

"The investigation group can start by looking for Paolo," Annabeth decided. "I'll go with some of you to find Chiron."

"I'll stay here," Thalia put in. "The Hunters are still here after all."

"I'm the head healer at the moment," Will said. "Guess I'm staying too, so Malcolm you're headed out. Maybe you two should grab Clarisse before you leave."

"So how are we splitting up?" Destroyer asked.

Omega paused thinking, "Destroyer, Revenge, Huntress, Beauty, and myself will go. The rest of you stay here... and Arrow you're usually pretty level headed so you're in charge here."

Arrow nodded, "Got it. I'll keep them in line."

"Don't mother them too much."

"No promises."

"I'll explain everything to Clarisse and then we can leave after lunch," Annabeth decided.

"For now though, I suggest you all stay in here while we figure out what to tell the other campers," Malcolm put in as the four headed for the door.

When they left Omega sighed and took a seat at the table, "This is going to be a mess isn't it?"


This is super short and I'm sorry, but it's been like a year (cuz I forgot this existed) so I figured this is better than nothing.

Hopefully the next one will be longer.


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