One of Us

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Women can be so needy.
I've been constantly training on an isolated island, and not even six months later, Janelle texts and says she wants to go on a date. The break-up threat was implied.
So that is why, on that lovely Monday, I was on the couch in the living room of the house.
"Why are you so down, Leo?" My mom called to me, "It's like a little vacation! You get to see me, you get to see Janelle, you know, real people."
"Mom!" I shouted.
"Leo, you know that I love those bionic kids to death, but you've got to agree that there's something a bit off with them," Mom said.
"Well, um-" I started, and then my phone started ringing, "Hey look! Chase is calling!"
I picked up, cheerfully saying, "Hello!"
"Leo, what are you doing back in Mission Creek?" Chase asked, exasperated, "You're supposed to be here for training!"
"Sorry, I had to pop back and deal with a little situation," I explained, "Janelle missed me. You ladies can be so needy."
"She threatened to break up with you, didn't she," Bree guessed.
"It was implied," Leo said. The doorbell rang, and I screamed, "Ah! She's here!"
I quickly hung up and answered the door.
"Janelle," I greeted in my suave voice.
"Leo," Janelle said, a tad bitterly, "It's been how long?"
"It hasn't been six months," I defended, but to no avail.
"Close enough! Do you know how awful it's been since you guys left?" Janelle said, "I reject guys left and right and 'I have a boyfriend on the other side of the world' doesn't really cut it for them, and Trent's made gym class way harder because he likes the students to suffer. and guess who's no longer there to torture!"
"On the bright side, Perry's gone..." I muttered.
"Yeah, she said something about getting a job on a remote island somewhere..." Janelle recounted.
"Guess which," I deadpanned.
"Okay, you have it worse off," Janelle declared, "But come on! I haven't gone a date for six months, it's about time we leave!"
"It has not been six months!" I protested, again.
She just grabbed my arm and hauled me out the door, "Close enough!"
I guess that Janelle being needy was a good thing. I really did need a break away from the academy and a splash back into the real world. No weird technology, no to the death battles, which adds up to pure, blissful, peace.
I got to the hydro-loop, and made it send me back to the island. When I arrived, I considered going back to retrieve my stomach from the mainland, but the sight that greeted my eyes when the hydro-loop doors opened made me forget all about the fast ride. It was her.
"You!" I exclaimed.
S-1, Krane's former, evil second in command, was standing in the commons area. The girl flippin' collapsed a ceiling beam on my arm! I thought that I had sent her on a collision course with the ISS, but it wasn't enough.
"Who are you?" S-1 asked, snapping me out of the past.
"Maybe this will remind you" I said. I generated a laser sphere and threw it at her, knocking her out cold while Douglas and Chase shouted for me to stop.
"Why were you shouting 'no'?" I asked, "I just saved your butts!"
"No," Chase said, "You just dug our graves."
Douglas and Chase proceeded to explain that the Triton app, an app that completely controls your bionics, had left a virus. Everyone had had the Triton app, which apparently meant that in 8 hours, everyone was going to blow up.
I turned to Chase, and said, "I leave for one afternoon, and suddenly everyone has hours to live?! Why didn't you call me?"
"I'm sorry, but I've been busy trying to find ways to not blow up!" Chase exclaimed.
I crossed my arms, saying, "I'm sorry, but that excuse is simply not good enough."
Walking over from S-1, Douglas exclaimed, frustrated, "She's still out of it! Leo, how could you attack her?!"
"I'm sorry, but with everyone around here flip flopping between good and bad, its hard to keep track!" I exclaimed, and turning to Douglas, "I have to stop myself from taking you out five times a day!"
"Guys! Focus!" Chase exclaimed, "We have to find a way to revive S-1 before everyone here explodes!"
His phone started vibrating. He angrily declined it, growling, "Not now, FrizzyBizzy, not now!"
I would ask about who that was, but I really didn't want to know. However, there was something that I did want to know. I pulled Douglas aside.
"Just to be clear, since we didn't have the Triton app, we're good, right?" I asked.
"Yep," Douglas confirmed, "In a few hours, we could literally be the last ones standing. Though we should probably keep that to ourselves." We fist bumped.
Suddenly, Chase announced, "She's waking up!"
I screamed and threw another laser sphere at her, which knocked her out again. Everyone looked at me.
"Did you say 'She's waking up' or 'She has a knife', because I'm just saying, those two sound very similar."
Things were getting hopeless. Sure, S-1 and I made up successfully when she woke up (even though Chase had to hold me back), but jogging her memory was a different story. Apparently, she was having flashbacks of Krane, the person behind the Triton App. Douglas and Chase tried method acting to jog her memory. Douglas was Krane and Chase was S-1. While Douglas's impression was spot on, the same could not be same for Chase. Not surprisingly, that didn't work. So, for the rest of the time until now, Chase and Douglas tried to decrypt the virus. There were three minutes left until the doomsday virus activated, and Chase and Douglas were as well off as if they were at square one.
"Role playing didn't work! Decrypting the virus didn't work! I'm out of options!" Chase said in exasperation, and Adam and Bree joined us in the room.
"Hey guys, any progress?" Adam asked.
"Oh great! More mess to clean up!" Douglas complained, pointing at Adam and Bree.
"This is useless!" Chase exclaimed, "There's no fix!"
"What do you mean there's no fix?" Adam asked, "I'm not having Krane's virus take me out, I'd rather have one of you guys do it!"
"Adam, that's ridiculous!" Douglas exclaimed.
"No, it's not!" Chase exclaimed, "He's right!"
"Alright, if you say so," Douglas said, grabbing a hammer out from under the cyber desk.
"Give me that!" Chase chastised, taking it and putting it on the cyber desk, "I know what to do. A virus needs a carrier, and without the carrier, the virus dies."
Chase walked over to the other cyber desk, with us following suit.
"So, what are you saying?" S-1 asked.
"We need to trick the virus into thinking we're dead," Chase simplified.
Gasping, Adam said, "Good idea! We'll be ghosts! Bree, go get the sheets, I'll cut out the eyeholes!"
Ignoring Adam, Chase said, "If we give ourselves our own doomsday virus, it'll shut down our bionic infrastructure."
"Great plan Chase! You just forgot one little thing," Bree said, leaning over the desk, "We'll be dead!"
"Only temporarily," Chase reassured, "We can control our own virus. As long as Douglas uninstalls it right after it takes effect, none of us will actually die."
"So our lives depend on this guy?" S-1 asked, pointing to Douglas, "And we're all okay with that?"
"Your plan's too risky, we're not doing it!" Douglas exclaimed, walking away.
"We only have two minutes left, what else are we gonna do?" Chase asked, following him.
"There has to be another way!" Douglas protested, "I have a firewall program on my old laptop. If the codes match, it'll block the virus! I'll be right back."
Douglas ran and left through the hydro-loop. Meanwhile, Chase went back to the cyber desk.
"We don't have time to wait. We have to install our own doomsday virus," he said, "Attention everyone! I am about to install a lethal virus into your chips. But I'm doing it to save you. And if, for some reason, it doesn't work... well... you can all forget about last night's homework."
"Wait," I said, "Don't you need Douglas to bring everyone back?"
"No, we have you," Chase said.
I looked around, saying, "Who 'you'? Me 'you'?"
"Yes you!" Chase said, "Look, Leo, don't worry. As soon as I send the virus, I'll tell you how to uninstall it."
"Fine," I said, "but we only have thirty seconds left, so hurry!"
Chase ran over to the cyber desk and started typing. With 5 seconds left, he was about to install the virus when Douglas ran in.
"I found the laptop!" He exclaimed.
"Chase, you forgot to hit enter!" Bree screamed, trying to super speeding to the desk to install the virus.
But she was a millisecond too late. Suddenly, before my eyes, Adam, Bree, Chase, S-1, and everyone else in the room exploded into black smoke like they were geo-leaping. The smoke quickly condensed, pooling into two words before disappearing forever.

August 29, 2016
Write a 10,000 word story for August 31. Look at the process I'm making!
Anyway, I've had this idea really ever since the episode aired, so here goes.
Also, if you don't like waiting for updates, updates are gonna be daily. Literally.
Final thing- if I have any errors, POINT THEM OUT!!!!!!! I have limited editing time, so any help will be more than appreciated!
Let's do this
AJ, ajmdoggie, 🅰️⤴️♏️🐶, whatever you want to call me.
WORD COUNT: 1,556 words

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