Death Toll

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For five straight minutes, Douglas and I just looked around. It was all so unreal. Adam, Bree, and Chase, my siblings and best friends, were dead. Gone without a trace. In that moment, I realized just how great a part the three bionics had played in my life. How I relied on them to be there for me, in thick or thin. By a human falter, a lapse in judgement, the failure to press enter, took it all away from me. They had meant more than the world to me. Now they were gone, and there was nothing I could do about it.
"So what now?" I asked Douglas. Neither of us looked up from the floor.
"We should probably call Donnie," Douglas suggested. Neither of us budged.
"And probably Mom, too," I added. Neither of us made a move for that one, either.
"I'm sure that the world will have to find out sooner or later, too," Douglas said.
You can probably guess what we did in that moment. Stand there and stare at the floor. Douglas's laptop fell from his grasp and smashed on the floor, but neither of us even flinched.
"How long are we gonna just stand here and look at the floor?" I asked. The only response I got was a sniffle from Douglas. For the first time since they disappeared, I looked at Douglas. He was crying.
"Are you okay?" I asked. It was a rhetorical question, I wasn't so sure that I was okay myself. But Douglas replied, nonetheless.
"I created Adam, Bree, and Chase just to be mindless war machines. that all I had viewed them as, until this past year. I actually got to know my kids as kids. And I- I just wish that I had done things differently. If I had never set my mind on getting revenge on Donnie and getting them back as super-soldiers, none of this would've happened. I could've gotten to see them grow up. Krane wouldn't have been capable of doing this. The worst part about this is that, if you trace the issue back to the source, I killed Adam, Bree, and Chase."
I turned back to the spot where we had last seen them, and let Douglas's words sink in. However, we weren't given the liberty of thinking as long as before. The hydro-loop came, with Big D and Mom on it, looking scared out of their minds.
"Why are Adam, Bree, and Chase in their capsules back at the lab, with no vital signs?!" Big D asked before he was even out of the hydro-loop. Panic laced his words, and with good reason.
"Krane won." I stated simply.
After explaining everything to them, and Big D and Tasha giving little regret speeches, both with a similar theme of not treating them human enough, Big D decided to get down to business.
"We need to tell the world," he said, "It's no use waiting to tell them. Every bionic, besides you, Leo, is dead. The world needs to know this sooner rather that later."
That's how, 5 hours later, I ended up on a podium at the top of the White House steps, with a large crowd (I lost count around 500). There was a general buzz of conversation in the crowd, so I cleared my throat in the mic to get their attention. Once they had quieted down for the most part, I started speaking.
"Look, there's no use in sugar coating this, so let me say this right now and get it over with. Adam, Bree, and Chase are dead. All of the bionic students at our bionic academy are dead. All of the bionics who had their minds controlled at some point are dead. Which means that I am the only bionic left. In the world."
After the crowd took in the news, I gestured over at the three capsule shaped coffins on my right.
"Adam wanted to die via taking off his space helmet on Mars. He was stupid, but that stupidity always seemed to provide comic relief in our tough situations. If you were feeling down, you could always go to Adam to cheer you up. Bree just wanted to fit in. She wanted to be more than just a bionic superhuman. She pretty much had more friends than all of us combined. While she had her girl moments, she was very loyal and the best sister that I could ever ask for. Chase always seemed to get the short end of the stick. Sometimes, he would feel left out of the team, and rightly so. But he never gave up. No question could go unanswered for that guy, and he would almost always have a plan for when things when wrong."
After another moment to let things sink in, I continued.
"We weren't a perfect family. We had our arguments, our let downs, the bionic trio even broke up at one point. But we always seemed to be able to pick up the pieces and make things better again. And for that reason, I could never ask for a better family. Adam, Bree, and Chase Davenport will definitely be more than missed."
With that, I turned off the mic and left the podium. No applause was necessary, and no applause was given. The crowd, slowly but surely, left the front yard of the White House. The death of Adam, Bree, and Chase seemed to take a toll on all of them.
August 29, 2016
This was really hard for me to write, because writing about depressing things makes me feel depressed, and let's face it, no one wants to feel depressed.
Anyways, next chapter will not be as depressing (hopefully). This plot is gonna start speeding up a bit, because I have a lot of ideas, and 10,00 words.
Anyways, until next time,
WORD COUNT: 2,474 words

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