Not The Same Janelle

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Big D and Douglas had made up, but there was still a bit of a depressing feel to the household. So, I decided to do what any teenage boy would do when they're feeling depressed. I went on...

...a date.

(If you just thought drugs, just don't...)

I called Janelle and she answered promptly (something I can't say the same for).
"Hey Leo, what's up?" She asked.
"Hey Janelle," I responded, "Look, the house has been feeling really depressing lately. Do you think we can meet up at a cafe, or something?"
"Of course," Janelle said in a duh tone, "I'm your girlfriend. We're kinda supposed to go on dates."
"Cool," I said, relieved that she wasn't busy, "When works for you?"
"How about right now?" She asked.
"The sooner, the better," I agreed.
Once we had agreed on a cafe, Janelle added, "Last one there has to pay for it."
She promptly hung up. I took no time to run down the stairs.
"Mom, I'm gonna go meet up with Janelle right now," I called. She looked over at me.
"Not looking like that you're not," Mom said.
"Last one there's paying," I explained.
"In that case, go!" Mom exclaimed. I full out sprinted out the door (which, granted, isn't too impressive) and ran as fast as I could to the cafe. When I got there, I saw Janelle sitting at a table, a ring of car keys on one of her fingers.
"It's called driving," she said, "And you'd probably want to order light, 'cause I didn't."
"'Date Janelle' they said, 'It'll be fun' they said," I muttered.
"They never said it would be cheap," Janelle pointed out.
--- Ten Minutes Later ---
Janelle and I were sitting at the same table, each with coffee and a sandwich. After making her laugh with some of my terrible jokes, Janelle cleared her throat and became serious.
"What's up?" I asked, noting the change in mood.
"Leo, there's something I need to tell you," she said. An idea dawned on me, and made my eyes widen in horror. Janelle seemed to read what I was thinking, and softened a little.
"I'm not breaking up with you," she reassured, and I sighed a heavy sigh of relief, "But you haven't been the only one that's been attacked lately."
"So you've heard," I muttered indifferently, and then the real meaning of her words sunk in.
"Oh crap, what happened?" I asked, both worried and panicked.
"A couple weeks ago, a gang attacked me outside of some convenience store," Janelle said.
"And?" I asked, not really sure I wanted to know the details.
"They slammed me into the wall, and beat me half to death," Janelle recalled, "Thankfully, someone saw me and called 9-1-1. I had a bunch of broken bones and internal bleeding, but they were able to fix is really fast with an experimental surgical technique."
"How fast?" I asked.
"Like, out of the hospital and $5,000 richer the next day fast," Janelle answered, "I spent the money on self defense lessons."
"And let me guess. You're good already," I deadpanned. As if to answer, she grabbed my non-bionic arm and flipped me over her shoulder. Thankfully, I was used to that position, so I was able to land on my feet. I was impressed with Janelle.
She, obviously, was not.
"I think that's the first time you've ever stolen my thunder," Janelle said, a bit bitterly, "You really aren't the same Leo."
"And you're not the same Janelle," I said.
The rest of the date was rather uneventful. All of the juicy bits are in my diary.
Which you guys are never gonna get to see, by the way.
Anyway, I paid, and we left the cafe.
"So, where to next?" Janelle asked, "I think that there are a couple good movies out right now."
"I have a movie idea for you, sweetheart," said a voice behind us. We whirled around to see a bunch of tough looking guys in a group. The guy who I assumed to be the leader finished his idea.
"How about the movie where you actually die and your pathetic little boyfriend gets to watch. And then the pathetic boyfriend dies," he suggested innocently.
"Go away," Janelle warned, "We're more powerful than you think."
"Please," one of the guys said, strolling up to me, "I could take this twerp out in one bl-aaaauuugh!" I had punched him with my bionic arm before he could do anything.
Then, like a well oiled machine, the gang charged us. However, the packs that they attacked in had a noticeable pattern to them. I shot a laser sphere at one of the guy's feet. He yelped, jumped back, and rammed into two other charging guys. I punched and threw laser spheres at everyone who charged me, and to change it up sometimes, I kicked them with my bionic leg. After clearing out a good chunk of them, I realized that only the leader was left. After Janelle had flipped the last remaining member over her shoulder and onto the ground, he charged her.
It was hard to keep track of who had the upper hand. The leader would punch, Janelle would block. Janelle would punch, and the leader would block. the tow were a whirlwind of punches and kicks until, finally, Janelle delivered a roundhouse kick to his head that sent him sprawling towards me. I shot a laser sphere at his chest for good measure.
After a bit of waiting for the leader to wake up, Janelle went over to him while he was still groggy. However, she grabbed his hair and snapped him back into reality.
"Never, and I mean never, attack me or my boyfriend ever again. Do you understand?" Janelle demanded.
"Yes, yes I understand," the leader said, still a bit groggy, "You're not the same girl I attacked a couple weeks ago."
"No, I'm not," Janelle agreed, "Leo was right. I'm not the same Janelle."
August 30, 2016
When all else fails with Leo, go with Janelle. That's my philosophy. Anyway, I find it fun to tease you with the name of the next chapter. And besides, you're gonna find out anyway, I don't have the luxury of long breaks in between parts.
So what's next?
Singapore Spies
Have fun pondering that one. See ya in Singapore!
WORD COUNT: 7,815 words

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