Mighty Med: The Last Might [Part Two]

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The leader raised his hand, and the attack began. Every villain with projectile powers shot at the heroes, and the ones with force fields immediately put them up. Oliver yanked Skylar aside, and the rest of us followed.
"Where are you taking me?" Skylar asked Oliver, "There's a fight going on, and the heroes need our help!"
"Just hear me out!" Oliver protested, "I've been experimenting, and I think that I've found a way to get your powers back."
"Really!?" Skylar exclaimed, "Then do it! If it kills me, it's not like I could do much without powers anyway."
Oliver ran and grabbed a syringe, promptly injecting it into Skylar. At first, nothing happened, but then , three villains broke down the door to the room that Kaz was in the process of locking. He was thrown across the room, and Oliver ran to his aid. The four of us whirled around, but before anyone could do anything else, Skylar shot down them down with pink lasers.
"Whoa!" I marveled.
"You got your powers back!" Gamma Girl exclaimed.
"Yeah, well, could you put them to good use again?" Tecton asked, as villains started pouring into the room.
"I think it's our turn," Gamma Girl told Tecton. She sent out a gamma blast wave as he punched the ground, creating a dual shock wave. It only stunned the villains, but it gave Skylar enough time to put a force field around Kaz and Oliver. The villains surrounded the four of us, and we got into fighting stances.

I generated a laser sphere and shot down the first villain who ran at me. I grabbed the next one, and threw him into another girl. Someone charged me from behind, and I kicked him into next year.
A winged girl came swooping down, but Skylar flew up and super smashed her into the cieling. She promptly dropped down on another guy, flipped two guys over her shoulder, and used her lasers to take out five more.
Six masked guys charged Tecton, and he used his strength to kick one guy into the next, creating a domino effect of unconscious villains. He ran up to another villain, and they traded a couple punches before Tecton caught him into the stomach and sent him flying into the opposite wall.
Villains kept charging Gamma Girl, but before they could do any damage, she had already shot them with her gamma blasts. Finally, a guy decided to try and attack her from a distance, but she dodged his shot and blasted him too.
I kicked a guy, then threw a laser sphere at him to project him at the girl behind him.
Skylar did an aerial over an electric whip, used telekinesis to bring it to her, and zapped its owner.
Tecton punched the ground and sent five guys flying into the wall.
Gamma Girl generated and fired a blast wave at a couple more villains.
Before we knew it, everybody was unconscious. Without a word, we ran to the lobby to see all of the other villains taken out except the leader. Solar Flare, the sole hero, was trying to keep the flying villain at bay, but he eventually sent out a shockwave that made her collapse.
He turned to us.
"You're welcome for killing all of your dead weight," he said cheerfully, "Let's see if you'll die too."
He sent a shock wave at us. While the four of us dodged it, Kaz and Oliver weren't so lucky. They were smashed against the wall, and I realized that there was no way that they had survived that.
Skylar's expression turned murderous.
"YOU. KILLED. KAZ. AND. OLIVER!" She screamed, and sent a pink blast out at him that I would not want to be at the receiving end of. He countered with his shockwave. Caught in a deadlock, Tecton flew up to the shock wave and started pushing at it towards the villain. Gamma Girl assisted Skylar by blasting her gamma rays with Skylar's energy. I used my energy transference too start sucking the energy out of the villain. It seemed like it was working, until his shockwave ran out. He exploded in a supernova of colors, hitting all of us.
I woke up and groaned. I wondered why the blast didn't kill me. After some difficult pondering (because my head- scratch that- my body felt like crap), I decided that my energy transference had taken some energy out of the explosion. I crawled over to the the other three supers, and realized something. I wasn't just the only bionic left.
I was now the only super left.
August 30, 2016
I'm sorry. But what else did you expect from a story like this?
Anyways, let's hope that I can get everything else written. There's a lot more to come, and a couple more people to kill...
...not kidding, sadly...
Anyways, I hope you like this so far. I'M HALFWAY THERE!!!
WORD COUNT: 6,044 words

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