The Android Awakening [Part Two]

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I was watching Janelle's tracker on the screen, before it vanished. Panicked, I called down Big D.
"Janelle's tracker was just disabled," I said.
"This was a forced shut down," Big D noted, "Someone shut it down from the outside."
"This must mean that Giselle is back in action," I said, "There's no other way to explain this. She doesn't even know who Janelle is!"
--- Janelle's Point Of View ---
"I know exactly who you are."
Giselle walked in the room in confidence while I sat in a chair behind a laser cage.
"I knew that the Davenports would send you," Giselle continued, "But also that you would forget the first rule of spying- never trust the enemy."
"So you've got me," I said, trying to stall her, "What's the big deal about that?"
"You're Leo's girlfriend," Giselle explained, "Now that I have you, he's gonna come running."
--- Leo's Point Of View ---
"I have to rescue Janelle."
"Leo, you're crazy," Big D said, rejecting my statement, "That's exactly what Giselle expects."
"So? You rescue her?" I asked.
"No," Big D shot down, once again, "I believe that Janelle can save herself."
"But not fast enough," I protested, "I have to go after her."
"No, Leo," Big D said.
"But-" I protested.
"NO," Big D said firmly, "And that's final."
--- Janelle's Point Of View ---
Giselle had left a long time ago, and I was still no where near finding a way out. I looked around for the millionth time. And then I saw it!
--- Leo's Point Of View ---
It was night, and I was laying in bed. I knew that I wasn't gonna go to sleep, so why bother?
Big D had forbidden me to go after Janelle, but I had no idea what was happening to her. Finally, I came to a conclusion. If I was to save Janelle, I had to do it alone. Without Big D.
--- Janelle's Point Of View ---
A beeping noise woke me from my peaceful enough sleep. I groaned. It had taken enough time to just get to sleep on the cold, damp, and hard cement floor of the cell. I wriggled around a bit, and shut my eyes.
The beep sounded again. I opened my eyes, rather annoyed. Couldn't I just sleep? Finally, I turned over and was about to drift off.
I shot to my feet in fury. Where was that stupid noise coming from? Suddenly, I saw a light in the corner. It must've been the computer that ran the cage!
Before the mission, Leo had filled me in with every villain encounter he had had. Including when the three bionics had been trapped in a very similar laser cage.
Remembering what Leo had told me, I whipped out my pocket make-up kit. The mirror was slightly cracked from the fall, but it would work. I looked at the laser, and positioned it in a way that I hoped was right. Silently praying that this would work, I stuck the mirror in the laser cage. The laser reflected off the mirror and straight into the computer.
The computer and the mirror blew up, and the laser cage lifted. I took a tentative step out, and when no alarms blared, I took off running.
--- Leo's Point Of View ---
I arrived at Giselle's lab, and I looked up at the looming structure. Taking a deep breath, I used my fingerprint duplication to get into the lab. I turned a couple corners, and all of a sudden ran into a figure, who tackled me to the floor. We struggled for a while, until we triggered a motion sensor and a light turned on.
"Janelle?" I asked in shock.
At the same time, Janelle asked, "Leo? What are you doing here?"
"Trying to save you!" I explained, "What are you doing?"
"Trying to get out of this place!" Janelle whisper-yelled.
"Then let's get out of here," I said, and we took off running. But suddenly, Janelle stopped me.
"Wait. Giselle was planning on an android onslaught at the premiere of her movie," she recounted. I looked at my watch.
"It's almost the midnight premiere!" I exclaimed, "We have to stop her!"
"Too bad you can't," Giselle said, stepping out of the shadows, "Because I'm gonna take you two down first. And Leo, thank you for playing right into my hands."
Androids assembled behind Giselle.
"Too bad I couldn't resurrect Marcus," Giselle said, a bit bummed, "That would've been more fun. But this will do. Androids. ATTACK!" And the androids did what she said.
I knew that the androids were pretty much immune to pain. So I tried a different strategy.
When an android would charge me, I would use my energy transference ability to suck all of the power out of them. Seeing me as more of a threat than the wildly punching and kicking Janelle, they all came after me.
--- Janelle's Point Of View ---
Seeing as though all of the androids were attacking Leo, I ran over to Giselle, who was trying to make an escape.
"Sorry Giselle," I said, "You attack us, I attack you."
"Very well," Giselle mused, and immediately swung a kick at me.
I blocked it and threw a couple punches at her. She grabbed my wrists and tried to flip me over her, but I landed on my feet. I launched a spinning kick at her, but she ducked. She swung an uppercut, and I did a backflip, kicking her fist in the process. Before she could recover, I did a back hand spring and landed my feet on her shoulders, causing her to collapse. Leo took out the last of the androids.
"Sorry Giselle, but it's over," I said.
"Not yet," Giselle growled. She pulled out what looked like a light saber. If a light saber was a whip, however. She immediately whipped it at Leo's bionic arm. It seemed to do no damage.
Then the bionic arm slid cleanly off.
Giselle swung the whip at me, and I blocked it with the part of my make-up kit that held the make-up. It also split cleanly in half. I ran over to Leo, and then everything seemed to go in slow motion.
Giselle raised her whip.
I pushed Leo out of the way.
She swung the whip.
I did a back bend while Leo hit the floor.
The whip missed me by an inch.
I swung my feet back over my head, just in time to see the whip wrap around Giselle and unwrap. Nothing seemed to have happened. Then I remembered the magic of the whip.
Giselle split into a bunch of bloody, human pieces.
It was the grossest thing I had ever seen.
--- Leo's Point Of View ---
After Giselle had turned into roughly chopped Giselle, I heard a click and whir in all of the androids. Immediately, I realized that it was a self destruct switch.
Ducking for cover, I shouted, "Janelle, run!"
Confused, Janelle didn't move an inch. And the androids blew up.
My cover sufficiently blocked me from the blast, but Janelle was not so lucky. She smashed against the wall.
When the smoke cleared, I ran over to Janelle.
"Janelle!" I shouted, desperately feeling for a pulse. But I didn't know if it was her weak pulse or my pumping one. I cried out four final words of desperation.
"Please don't leave me!"
August 31, 2016
And that's all folks.
I ended it the way I did because I didn't know what to do. I wanted to defeat Giselle for sure, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep Janelle alive or not (sticking or not to my theme).
I was thinking of a sequel, but I can say for sure that if there is, it's not gonna come for a while. So, until (or if) I write it, you can interpret if it's his or Janelle's pulse he feels. I hope it wasn't too unsettling of a note, but that's what I decided on.
Also, as you can see, I wrote this very quickly. The chapters posted on the 29th were all finished within a week of that date, but I really had nothing to work with after that. Therefore, this story may go under some major editing or re-writing if I get the chance, so keep that in mind. However, for now, this story is what it is.
Also, if you haven't please check out my other story/series, "How the Lab Rats Fell." Now that this is done, I'll be updating it more, but it would mean a lot if you would read it.
FINAL THING! (sorry about my ramblings, but it had to happen sometime, didn't it?) I completed the Just Write It challenge! I actually wrote 10,000 words (not including the author's notes, just in case those don't count)! I'm really impressed with myself, because I never quite believed that I could do it until I did it. Also, it motivated me to finally write this story. So thank you, Wattpad, for allowing me to push myself.
Anyway, THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading this! Please share it with your friends, because, honestly, I value views more than votes. Also, don't be afraid to comment. I promise that I won't bite.
Anyway, thanks again.
AJ out!

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