Chapter Three

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Okay so I didn't exactly stick to what I said, but honestly, I just wanna get this story off to a good start, see how far I'll get into it before I stuff up


"Lisa Barker! My I haven't seen you in a while, love." Gladis exclaimed, getting up from her wheelchair and hugging the slender girl.

Harper made no movement, it was like he had been frozen by those blue almost violet eyes, the same ones who had frozen him the night before.

He shook his head, breaking the contact with the girl before him. The shock of the girl had worn off, but still, he felt that pull to look at her once more, defying the urge, he kept his head down, to be sure he didn't fall into her trap again.

"Mrs Fisher, I'm sorry I haven't been around, Pop's been sick." Harper had to admit, her voice resembled church bells, a sweet sound to his ears.

"Oh that's all right. I do hope he's okay, I'll be around to see him some time. How is your nan?" Gladis often worried about the old woman, she was so frail and having to look after a teenager must be quite the task.

Then thinking about it, she was now in the same situation, but the boy staying with her seemed down to earth and was a good boy. He had a brightness surrounding him that she simply couldn't ignore. It was then that she realised she hadn't even caught his name, seeming it not necessary but now she supposed she could not continue calling him 'boy' for the rest of his stay with her.

"She's fine, trying to be tough for Pop, but I can see it's a strain on her. That's why I'm here. Nan's shelf just broke down, she needs one for her perfumes. I honestly don't know how I'm gonna fix it, but I'll give it a try." The girl chuckled lightly, brushing off her discomfort as she felt the strange boy's gaze on her.

"Oh dear, well I'm sure the young man behind me can give you a hand." Gladis offered before Harper could protest.

Harper's head shot up to the woman, his ears disbelieving. 

"Oh." The girl with the blue eyes turned her gaze back to Harper's, catching him off guard. 

He almost glared directly at her, how dare she challenge his reflexes? Had she no idea that he had been trying to avoid her?

"Hi," She held her hand out for him. "Lisa Barker."

Harper looked at her offered hand, instead turning to look at her. "Harper." He muttered, ignoring her shocked expression as he spoke.

Lisa had never in her life seen such a beautiful being. His face alone intrigued her, now, along with his strong voice and wise eyes, she was captured already and she knew it. But he had rejected her, bringing her to the realisation that she was pestering him.

Gladis had finally learned the boy's name, it was unusual, but then, so was the boy himself. She watched the exchange as the two youths before her met eyes, a clear curiosity in the girl's eyes but the boy had a careless expression, he seemed to be immune to her beauty. That was a first, Gladis thought to herself, normally Lisa had all the boys in town in a trance. Sometimes even the grown men eyed her possessively.

Harper kept his gaze strong, he would not bow down to this human. But she seemed determined, her eyes boring into him as if questioning him without the use of words. Could she not see he had no interest in her small communication techniques? He noticed her hand had travelled back to her side, her other arm crossed over her thin waist, gripping the elbow of the loose hanging arm. 

For a moment he considered her attractive, gold locks falling down her back in long waves, like a blonde cape. Her slender bearing curves of a model. Legs that would have any other man running after her like a small puppy. Her pale complexion fitting perfectly with the hair that fell over her heart shaped face. Her pumped lips a light pink shade in contrast to her face.

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