Chapter Sixteen

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First thing Lisa noticed about the intruder was his striking resemblance to Harper. He had the same shade of brown hair, the same dark depth to his eyes, his skin slightly more sun-kissed than Harper's but he had the same toned body.

The differences were as evident as the similarities. This was a man standing before her, mid twenties if she had to guess. His eyes were menacing, a sinister smirk planted on his face and in a glint in his eyes that showed he hungered for something other than food.

Harper seemed terrified of this man, Lisa could feel it as she gripped the back of his shirt. A shiver had travelled up his spine when he saw who it was.

The man noticed Lisa standing behind Harper and waggled his eyebrows at her, that same smirk still dominant on his face causing her to cringe into Harper's back even further. Whoever this was, he wasn't a friend but a foe and she would not let her stubborn attitude endanger her.

"Lisa, go back to the party." Harper's voice finally broke the silence she had adapted to in the last passing moments.

Lisa shook her head, not trusting her mouth to work, she could feel the words stuck in her throat but she couldn't seem to let them out. She wouldn't leave Harper, this man was danger and she would not have Harper endanger himself on her behalf, she simply could not stand the thought for even the briefest of moments.

"Lisa." Harper barked. "You need to go now." 

He took hold of her arm, and pulled her past the stranger, stopping at the entrance of the clearing, looking her sternly in the eyes.

"If you do not leave I cannot guarantee your safety. So go back to the party." He shoved her a little, emphasising his need for her to leave this place, it was not safe.

"Harper, you can't just stay here."

"I will be fine." He started walking away until he felt the little tug on his hand that he hadn't expected.

He turned to see her pleading face looking up to him. She was begging him to come with her, tears already welling in her eyes that he could simply not resist. But he stayed adamant this time, he would let her cry if it meant her safety was upheld. 

"Go now." He growled at her, his eyes clear of any emotion other than an anger he did not feel towards her, but if she saw it that way, then it would be for the best.

Lisa looked at Harper and almost didn't recognise him as the boy whom she had spent afternoons with just talking and laughing, he looked like a monster now. A face only seen in horror movies, the face of the serial killer who stalks the innocent girls. He scared her.

She started walking backwards, her eyes not leaving his deadly ones. She knew in that moment that she didn't know Harper at all. He had just shown up out of nowhere. He was foreign to her.

Harper watched her retreating form and felt remorse well up inside him. She had stared at him with such fear, he would have to fix that at a later date. Right now he had a different matter at hand.

He turned around, walking back to where Uriel stood in all his glory. Although Uriel was technically older than him, he had the least amount of power out of all seven of his brothers and himself. Uriel was what they called the runt of the lot. He was older than both Harper and Raphael but he didn't yeild as much power as the two.

But he was here, and that scared Harper no matter how inferior Uriel was.

"Wow, she is even more stunning in person." Uriel whistled, turning to Harper, a sadistic glint pulsing in his eyes.

"Indeed." Harper replied.

"I'd tell you to make your move, little brother, but seems you already have." Uriel's eyes changed, a taunting look glistening in them. 

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