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It was the first day in forever for Maddy. She murdered her mum only days before this bit only a month before she murdered a bloke. Not only has Maddy murdered people she has stolen from shops just to feed herself and she assaulted one off her school teachers because they called her names but obviously they denied ever saying anything.

Maddy was going to 'Wentworth Prison' well she's their right now, she's been searched incase shes brought any drugs with her and been given her clothes and belongings (picture of her and Franky when they were little and that sort of stuff)

Maddy was scared, she was only 17 and with autism who knows if prison would be worse for her. Maddy was escorted to cell block H and she was told a number but she wasn't listening.

Their were 6 lady's sat around doing their own things and well Maddy was shown to her cell.

Mandy's PoV

Before I was shown my cell I recognised someone, it wasn't just any someone it was Franky my older sister. She didn't know why I was here but I don't think she saw me. I didn't know what to do or say to anyone so I sat on the bed like thing in the cell and sighed.

I women showed up at the door off be cell and looked over st me "you must be Maddison, I'm Bea. Top Dog" the woman tells me and I frown, none ever calls me Maddison, ever! "Don't Call me Maddison, it's Maddy" I respond a bit too loudly to attract the attention of all the other women but one in perticular comes over to the cell and it was Franky.

"Maddy, what are you doing here" Franky asked the most stupidest of questions causing me to role my eyes "well I killed mum because I got angry. She had been drinking again and well she was having ago at me like she always has done" i start to say to say to my older sister

"Before that, I also killed the man who" I pause, was I really ready to tell anyone what he did to me. "What did he do to you Maddy?" Franky asks me and I look down at my lap which happened to become a lot more interesting than Anything else "he raped me" I whisper hoping none heard me,, I held my tears back

"He raped you" Franky asks walking over and sitting next to me. I nodded slowly and my older sister wrapped her arms around me "I hadn't told anyone though, they would probably have said I'm lying" I say into my sisters side and she looks furious "that man raped my baby sister!" She growls to none in perticular.

Franky hasn't only been my older sister for all these years, she's been my best friend and like my mum. I look at my older sister and she comforts me.

Franky soon takes me out into the area between all the cells and over to the rest of the women "right Evreyone this is my little sister Maddy" she introduced me to the other 5 women, I already met Bea so it was just the other 4 I had to meet. "Maddy these are Maxien (I know she's not in it yet but Im putting her in it), Doreen, Liz and sue but we all call her Boomer" Franky tells me and I nod slowly.

"So why you here?" Bea asks me, I look up every so slightly. "Maddy isn't very good with people, she's got autism" Franky tells the girls and I frown, everywhere I go people judge me because off my autism "I'm
Here because not only did I murder my mum but I murdered a bloke who" I stop dead in my sentence.

I couldn't tell them about the bloke who raped me, I didn't want anyone else to know but, I might be pregnant, I've put on weight over the past months since he did did that to me and it can't be because I'm eating because I've hardly eaten. If I end up pregnant then they will probably find out what happened.

"It's alright Maddy, they won't judge you" Frankh reassures me  "the bloke who raped me" I mumble but this time I wasn't able to hold back my tears. I ran back into my cell and curled face down on the bed. I've tried to be strong for so long but I can't be strong anymore

Doreen walks into my cell, Franky bad previously told me that Doreen is the support peer person in here. "Maddy, do you want to talk" she asks me and I shake my head still faced down.

I felt like such a baby, I'm 17 but here I am crying like such a baby "well we are just out here if you need to talk" Doreen tells me and I nod. Once I knew she had left I sit up still crying.

I shut the cell door and get my photo of me and Franky when we were younger out and take the back off, my blade was in their and that's where I've always kept it, none knows that.

I've got scars on my thighs, stomach and arms and none has ever noticed that.  I bring the blade to my left wrist and drag it along piercing my skin as I do so.

I bring the blade back and pierce my skin again just as the cell door opens and Doreen comes into view, I quickly hide my blade and cover my arm but to my luck I wasn't fast enough "Maddy what are you doing" she asks me as she comes in.

I look away and hide my arm again "Maddy why are you doing that" Doreen asks shutting the door and comes over to me. She roles my sleeves up and sees my arms covered in scars. That's it my secret is out.

"It's the way I cope, when he first" I stop what I was saying and role my sleeves down "when he first raped me, it was 5 and 1/2 months ago, I was being bullied at school as well and didn't know what to do" I continue "then I noticed I was getting bigger, but it couldn't be because I was eating loads because the truth is since Franky was locked up 6 years ago I had stopped eating." I mumble turning away

"Mum would spend all the money on Drugs and alcohol, I would steal from shops just for food. Probably once a week I would steal untill i got caught but that didn't stop me" I tell her and she nods reassuring me.

"You don't have to go on" Doreen tells me "so when I was raped by the bloke I wanted to give up but I didn't, instead I continued to self harms, the bullying at school was just as bad as it had been in the past, I had assaulted a teacher because i had got angry because they were also picking on me, I then murdered the bloke but the police didn't know about that untill a few days before I murdered mum." I explain and sigh

"Well we won't judge you in here, and about you said you thought you were getting bigger, do you think theirs a chance off you being pregnant?" Doreen suggests to me and I shrug, "well I had been sick a few times but that was like 2, 3 months ago" I answer 

Doreen looks at me and nods "the looks off things you may be pregnant" she tells me and I frown "I'm 17, in here and might be pregnant, great" I say sarcastically and Doreen smiles "whatever happens you know you'll have your sister and I'm always here if you need to talk I've had kids myself" Doreen tells me

It was soon time for dinner and Doreen tells me about Evreything as we walk with Evreyone else.

At dinner I felt eyes on me and I didn't like it, Franky And myself were talking and she told me who to avoid and who not to avoid, she told me that I should never push the panic button.

I listened to everything that she was telling me and we all sat down at the table. I had a pain in my stomach but i didn't say anything because it was nothing, or so I think.

"Maddy had you heard from dad since I've been in here?" Franky asked me and I shake my head. He hadn't been in contact or so mum told me. I push the food around the tray having another pain in my stomach. I had them over the last few months but I just ignore it.

After a while we were all sent back to our cells for the count. Franky told me that we all stand outside our cells and they count us to make sure we're all their and Evreything like that.

We were all counted and then went into our cells, I shut the door and got my blade out once again today and I bet you can guess it, I brought it to my wrist a few times before putting the blade back into my photo and then cried myself to sleep.

That night I woke up screaming to another nightmare, "Maddy, Maddy, Maddy" I hear Franky say as she shook me and I wake up crying and trying to get away "it's alright you'll be alright" she reassures me "what was your nightmare about?" Franky asked me.

She must have guessed it was a nightmare "it was the night when he raped me, Evrey night it's the same" I cry into my sisters shoulder . She lays me down and lays beside me settling me down and wrapped her arms around me untill I fell asleep..

Frankys Little Sister Where stories live. Discover now