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Maddy's PoV

The next morning I woke up in the same place as I did the previous night, well not the previous night, when I woke up from the nightmare, great way to start my time here.

My sister was still next to me and asleep, but everyone would if they were woken up by screaming at God knows what time in the night. I felt  Franky move next to me and she sits up "you alright Mads?" She asks me and I shake my head "I can't help but think about things, I've been having pains in my stomach aswell the nightmares I have every single night" I tell Franky softly.

"Hey hey you don't have to go through this alone, you have me back now" Franky tells me giving me a small kiss on my cheek and I fake a small smile in response to her

"a year after you got sent down i blocked Evreyone out, I started falling behind at school and I came home every night with bruises from school and most nights mum would be drunk and under the influence of drugs and she would take her anger out on me" I tell my older sister out of the blue I just needed to get it off my chest and tell someone.

"That bitch, how dare she lay a finger on my baby sister" Franky whisper shouts. "I finally lost it with her and that's why she's dead" I cry into my sisters side. It was the early hours of the morning but I didn't care.

Franky kept her arm around me as I cried but before I knew it I had fallen asleep, crying.

I was soon awoken again with another nightmare "it's okay Maddy, I'm here" Franky soothes as the cell door opens to reveal oh what's her name oh yes that's right it's Liz "Bea was wondering where you had got to" Liz says to Franky and she nods

"Maddy needed me last night" Franky told her and she nodded "we heard the shouting" Liz says to my sister and leaves, Franky gets up "see you in a minute baby" Franky tells me kissing my cheek once more before leaving my cell. I sit their in silence and look at my arm.

Their was dry blood from last night, it was lucky Franky hadn't seen, if she did I would have been questioned by her. I slide my sleeves down and stand up before walking out and joining Evreyone else in the main area.

Bea was over by a kettle making cups of tea, boomer was sat on the sofa while Liz, Doreen, Maxien and Franky were sat at a table. Franky patted the chair beside her and I sat down. I was still fiddling with my sleeves and felt highly uncomfortable, iv been trying to ignore my autism pushing its way out making me not want to be in new situations and meet new people but I felt overwhelmed and soon dashed back to my cell.

I calmed myself down after I had became flappy and was joined by Franky and Doreen. "What happened back their?" Doreen asked me and I flapped slightly "you became overwhelmed didn't you Maddy?" Franky asked me seeing I was flappy

"The perks of having autism" I mumble "I am extremely bad at keeping eye contact, I'm not exactly good at meeting people well new people, new situations panic me" I explain only a few things to Doreen who knew hardly anything about my condition.

Franky came and held my hands to stop me from flapping and she tried to calm me down. "Maddy breath slowly" she tells me softly and I do so breathing in through my nose out through my mouth "that's it keep doing that" Franky tells me and I continue doing so.

"If I'm not around this is what you've got to do to stop her flapping, if none stops her she has a panic attack" Franky tells Doreen "we should tell the others" Doreen suggests "incase neither me or you are with her" she says after that and Franky nods.

"You alright to come out now baby" Franky asks wrapping her arms around me and I do the same to her  "I promise you that they won't hurt you" Franky reassured me so I nod slowly, she keeps her arm around me as we go and sit down once again.

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