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Maddy's pov

Only a few hours after I had been slotted I could still hear mum talking, I heard crying too, brooklyns crying.

I paced back and forth in the cell and punched the wall "just leave me alone" I call out to the voice, it felt so real but their was nothing I could do about it. I knew I was to expect Bridget Westfall soon and if I am quite frank with you I'm not in the mood.

If I wasn't in here and at home the I would go for a run or I would do something calming like read, draw, listen to music or I've never admitted this but sing, I'm crap but I still did that to calm down.

"Why'd you do it Maddison" I hear mums voice ask again for like the thousandth time, well thats probably a slight exaggeration.

"Why did you kill me Maddison" mums voice announces and I grip my head "shut up! Shut up!" I scream. I punch the wall off the cell over and over only to be stopped by the cell door being opened. In walks Bridget, great.

"Maddy?" She asks me but I don't turn around "Maddy how are you feeling" she asks me as I stand with my back to her. "I'm fine" I lie and I think Bridget could tell I was lying. "Maddy I've heard what has happened to brooklyn, it's got to be hard on you" Bridget mentions and I shake my head "Brooklyn is not dead, he's fine, he's with his auntie Franky and his sister Kenzie" I say with a small nod,

"Maddy he's gone, nurse Radcliffe had a look at him and their was nothing she could do" I was told and I shook my head. I didn't want to believe it but I knew it was true.

"Maddy I could help you?" She says and I shake my head "Maddy, look at Me" Bridget says to me and I hesitantly turn to face her, my eyes were bloodshot, my fists were red from punching the walls and it was obvious that I was distressed

"Mackenzie and Brooklyn need me" I say not looking up. "My baby's need me, their only 2 days old" I sob shaking "right Maddy listen, no mum wants to believe about their children died, you think your meant to protect them but sometimes you can't, Brooklyn dyeing wasn't your fault, from what I heard you were fantastic with the pair of them."

I look up facing her and she looks at me  "I hear him crying" I whisper "do you hear anyone or anything else" Bridget asks me and I try to avoid the question. I want crazy, it is just stress I keep reassuring myself but i wasn't sure if I could believe myself much longer.

"Brooklyn was my son and I did nothing to protect him" I whisper avoiding the question "Maddy do you hear any other voices or anything else?" I was then asked and I then turn around nodding.

"It's mum, she keeps asking why I did it" I say quietly. "It's probably all the stress Maddy" Bridget tells me and I nod slowly

"Maybe what I was thinking is best, give Mackenzie up, she's better off without me, I didn't fight enough to find out what's wrong with Brooklyn and he died." I start "I bet kenzie is better with Franky, when Franky gets parole Mackenzie can go with her, she will be better off that way"  I continue to say

Bridget looked at me and shook her head "I can tell you don't mean it, you love the twins too much" is when I stopped her talking "their by twins anymore though are they, Brooklyn's gone and I only have Mackenzie now" I say softly

"Times up" mr Jackson announces opening the cell door "could I just have a few more minutes?" Bridget asks him and be looks to the camera in the corner off the room "no sorry" he tell her and she leaves but not before saying we will finish this tomorrow

I was soon locked in again and the voices continued, the screams off mum when I killed her, the crys of Brooklyn at night when he was hungry. I just wanted them to go away.

Who knew having a baby would make you feel like this because for sure I didn't expect to feel like this, I knew it wouldn't be easy but no first mums expect it to be easy. Obviously it's a lot harder when your in prison. I remember when I was first put in here I was told I am waiting for a court date and still haven't had that yet.

That would tell me how long I'm in here for,, people have told me it would only be 12 years but I don't know what to think.

I decide since their was nothing to do so I sit on the floor before laying down and doing sit ups. I used to train, I was in a running club and I did sit ups everyday. I even set records for myself to try and beat but I never got really high, my highest is about 30 sit ups.

I begin to try and beat my record. "Useless, waist of space, idiot" I hear mums voice shout. Her voice pushes me to push myself and put extra effort into my sit ups.

After a hour or so I decide to stop but I soon regret it as the voice becomes loud again and brooklyns crying comes back.

Frankys PoV

It must be so hard on Maddy, Brooklyn died and we didn't know how. How are you ment to greave for a baby who's only 2 days old.

Maddy didn't want to believe that her son was dead and she lashed out and trashed the place which ended up with her being slotted and me being left with Mackenzie my adorable niece.

Mackenzie was crying and I had no clue why "dor, could you help me? Mackenzie is crying but I honestly don't know why" I ask one off my mates. I didn't know what to do and soon Doreen had came over and helped me with my niece

"We should do something special for Maddy, she must be finding it really hard to grieve as Brooklyn was only 2 days old, we could give him a small service when she comes out" Doreen suggests and I nod hoping my sister was alright..

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