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Thank you again to Lex036 your support is so amazing, it makes me smile for your reviews and your one off the reasons why I do this.


Mandy's pov

It's been two long days since I had been slotted and today finally I'm going back to the unit. I'm almost 7 months pregnant, only a week and 2 days to go. The kicking is driving me mad but I know it will be worth it when the baby's here.

Today is my session with Bridget and boy was I looking forward to it. NOT. It ment talking and I don't do talking. When I say I don't do talking I mean to counsellors or psychologists. But I do want to get better and stop these nightmares which have became daymares to.

I hate seeing that night. I hate feeling the way I do. I just hate it all. I was collected from the cell and excorted back to the unit. I had a feeling my baby was going to be a girl but it might be a boy I just had to wait.

Back on the unit I get a cheer from the other women "you put juicy in her place" Bea smiled over to me and i look shocked, then Franky comes over "you really are like a Mini me" she smiles to me and I laugh slightly. "You wouldn't have me any other way" I laugh and Franky pulls me into a hug.

"Thank for being the best big sister Franky" I smile to my sister, she is the best big sister even if she's been in here for the past 6 years she is still my inspiration. "Mads you know I'm always going to be here for you, help you and make you smile" Franky tells me.

I skipped lunch today, I wasn't hungry but I was in pain, as much as I love the baby already I hate the pain I'm
getting "so have you thought of any names yet?" Liz asks me and I nod "if it's a girl I would like to name her Paisley Louise or Mackenzie Annabelle" I started "and if it's a boy I kinda like the name Brooklyn Lee or Ashley Dean" I tell them "but I might change my mind before it gets here" I admit

"What do you think it is" Maxien asks me and I shrug "I think it's a girl bit theirs all the chances it could be a boy, I've just got to wait 2 months 1 week and 2 day" I smile. When I'm 7 and a half months pregnant I'll be 18 so when my baby comes I won't be a kid anymore..

"Their all nice names" Liz tells me and I smile weakly. I hope I was going to become a good mum but I doubt it. We had chores now and but I was taken of, it's my session with Bridget "good luck Mads" Franky says to me knowing where I was going.

I was lead through the prison and into an office room. It had two chairs set out next to each other at a slight angle. "Good afternoon Maddy" Bridget Westfall greets me and "afternoon" I smiled. I may have been fake but she didn't need to know that.

"So how are you feeling today?" She asked me "tired, this little monkey won't stop kicking" I mumble "you don't have long left do you?" Bridget asked me and I shake my head "2 months 1 week 2 days" I say putting my right hand on my stomach.

"and the nightmares?" Bridget asks me. I stand up and move away, I look out off the window. "Maddy?" Bridget asks me.

"Are the nightmares still happening?" She asks me and I blink away a few tears. "Their not only nightmares" I say with fear in my voice "I see them in the day now, it's like Daymares" I say. "Since Lucy tried to, you know, rape me. I've seen the night that he raped me" I mumble.

I had tears in my eyes and they threatened to spill. "Maddy what happens in the nightmares?" Bridget asks me and I stare out the windows. "It's when I was raped, not only that when its when mum came home drunk or when she was off her head and she would just have a go at me for nothing" I start by telling her

"She keeps saying it my fault Franky was sent down for assaulting that man. She was saying that Franky never cared about me, that none cared about me" I say trying to not cry. "From what I heard Franky Adores you" Bridget tells me.

I take a deep breath but that doesn't stop the tears from deciding they want to fall. I turn around and lean against the wall "whatever I do I still see everything" I explain to Bridget "these sessions should help with that, they've helped your sister" Bridget tells met

"Are you sure?" I ask her and she nods "every week if you need" she tells me and I smile.

I was soon lead out the office and l was lead to the unit before I headed out to the yard. I saw Franky playing a one on one basketball with one off the other women here.

"You alright shorty" Bea jokes and I nod, it was obviously a lie because my eyes were bloodshot and I had tear stained cheeks. Bea looks at me and gives me the are you serious look "fine I'm not" I admit but not telling her what was wrong.

"Is it the baby stress?" Bea asks and I nod even though it was more than that. "It's not as hard as it seems" bea tells me. "Of corse, all they do is eat, sleep and poop" I say sarcastically

Free time was soon over and we headded back to the unit. Franky was asking me how my session went and I told her how it went.

"Maddy have you been crying?" Franky asks me once were back at the unit and I nod slowly. What a baby am I 18 years old in a less than a month an im Crying "it's alright Maddy, you've been strong for so long" Franky tells me putting her arm around me and I smile

"Want a cuppa?" I ask the girls in the unit and they say yes, I get the cups and boil the kettle I make the teas and give them to everyone.

"Thanks Maddy" i get from the girls I sit down cross legged on the sofa And drink my own tea. A wave off sickness suddenly overwhelmed me and I had no clue why but ignored it.

"You coming to come to tea with us?" Franky asks me and I shake my head, I didn't want to eat, I knew it wasn't healthy for the baby but I felt so sick and didn't dare eat otherwise I would probably throw it back up.

They went to tea and I went into my cell, I shut the door and pulled my trousers down, grabbed my blade and put the blade against my skin dragging it along and watching it bleed. I only hoped none would come in while I was doing this. They didn't need to know I'm still self harming


I was walking home, I had spent the day with the boy I like but we were also with a group of other people.

It was late and dark but I didn't want to get a taxi. And then suddenly I was pulled into an allyway and that's where it happened.

-end off flashback-

I can't unsee that and it hurts more and more every time I see it. I pull my trousers back up and curled up in a ball on the bed and cried.

I just want to forget everything... But I can't

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