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I heard them all blatantly giggling causing my attention to turn and look at them.

"What are you looking for? Help" Mia spitefully spat and her group giggled.

"Shut the fuck up Mia" I said shaking my head.

"Excuse me what?" She said and pulled my shoulder, causing us to stop and me to face her.

"You fucking heard. Don't ever touch me" I said and people started to crowd around.

"I can do what ever I want to bum licking peasants" she replied

"And who have I bum licked? Surely you're the bum licker here, you bumlick every teacher you dumb slag"

"I'm the dumb slag? You probably spend every night touching yourself or hooking up with a boy. But we all know you really want Mr Minter" she teased and I clenched my fists.

"Ellis come on, leave it" Ella said trying to pull me away but I wasn't having any of it, I was fed up of Mia and her dumb possy.

"Listen here you ugly dumb slag. Sit the fuck down and go hook up with more boys, everyone knows you have been with every single boy in this fucking school!"

She let out a scream and lunged at me, we both instantly fell to the ground and I felt her elbow connect with my brow bone. I got ontop of her and started punching her repeatedly, she grabbed my hair and got up starting to kick me in the side and face. I grabbed her legs and pulled her to the ground then kneeing her in the face. We continued to kick, punch, slap and hair pull until I felt myself get pulled off of her by teachers.

I looked at her and saw her nose was heavily bleeding and her cheek was blown up. I then noticed that my brow was heavily bleeding and pouring down my face, my ribs were killing me and my knees, hands and lips were all cut open from connecting with the concrete.

I pushed my hair out of my face, I couldn't even feel the pain I was that full of adrenaline. I looked around to see all of the younger years were by the playground gates. I scanned again to see Simon standing there with a shocked expression, I knew I was fucked.


I headed home early with a day exclusion and a heads detention, when we got back from the week away, seeing as Mia started it and I had made reports as well as others before. She received a weeks exclusion and a heads detention.

I had been wiped up and given stitches for my face and some spray for my bruises on my ribs, I was told I wasn't allowed to raise my arms above my head for a few days and I really didn't plan to.

I turned up outside of my house knowing that my parents were home and were either gonna have a go or high five me, but I walked in to find something completely different. There sat in the living room was Mia and knew exactly what she had told them about their facial expressions. Bitch.

"Get the fuck out Mia before I put you in hospital for good this time" I said dropping my bag on the floor and I watched her get up and leave.

I headed to the stairs to hear my dad was in a angry and upset tone of voice.

"Ellis come here" he said and I froze then walked into the living room to see them both staring me down.

"What do you have to tell us?"

"That I fought a bitch for trying to bully me" I said sourly.

"Not that, the other thing"

My heart started to race, what else did Mia say?

"Do you have a relationship with Mr Minter?" My mum said and my muscles tensed.

I didn't say a word, my mouth went dry, my muscles tensed, eyes wide open.

"You are never to see him again outside of school hours" my dad said.

My eyes started to water, lips tremble and voice croak "You-You can't do that" I said as my heart slowly broke.

"Yes I can. You are far too young" he said and I stood up smashing an ornament on the floor.

"Are you being serious? You said if you ever find love chase it and that's what I'm doing! You and mum are 10 years apart for gods sake!" I said pointing and shouting.


"No don't fucking 'Ellis' me. I have never felt this way about anyone! He makes me happy! He makes school and life in general 10 times more enjoyable! And you can't let me have the happiness that I want? He's not abusing me! He's not demanding for sex every single day or anytime at all! He's not expecting me to give him whatever he wants! Because he respects me! And all of this because of 6 years difference! You even said it yourself when ever me and Michael go on about your age gap, that Age Is Just A Fucking Number!" I screamed and they just stared at me.


"Ellis, I cant allow-"

"Like fuck you can't allow!" I shouted then charged towards the stairs.

"Ellis! Where are you going?" My mum and dad said getting up.

"Far away from you!"

I ran up to my room and slammed the door shut pushing my table infront of it. I pulled out my suitcase and shoved all my clothes and shoes into it. I moved the table out the way of the door and dragged my suitcase down the stairs ignoring the immense pain I was in.

I pushed past them both and charged out the door, I needed to see Simon.

Age Is Just A Number || Miniminter FF COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now