chapter twenty - war at our gates

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Author's Note - WARNING! Spoilers for Previous Chapter...

The best thirty seconds of Fili's and Nithi's lives...

Also, sorry for the relatively short chapter.



I woke up to darkness, curled up to something soft and warm. It took me a long minute to realise just where I was and what had happened.

I was cuddled up to a sleeping Fili, on a hard stone floor somewhere within the mountain, and we were both completely naked.

I had no inkling of just what time it was - whether day had since passed into night or whether tomorrow had come already. In this stuffy, dusty, windowless chamber, there was nothing, but us. And, as long as we stayed in there and away from the others and our problems, we had all the time in the world.

Beneath me, Fili stirred at my movement. We couldn't have been asleep long, perhaps an hour. I did not feel rested, but I didn't feel bad either. Quite the opposite. There was a fine, dull ache between my legs that I hadn't felt in a long time. I could only hope Fili felt the same.

"Morning," he said, having opened one eye and caught me staring at him. 

"Is it?" Neither of us had the answer to that. 

We lay there for a few minutes in silence, both shocked perhaps at what we had done and the speed it had all come about. And how it had all come about. 

"Are we going to talk about-" Fili began, but I stopped him there, my hand over his mouth.

"No," I said, and, with that, I sat up and began to grab at what clothes were nearest to me - a job easier said than done. 

"Why not?" Fili too sat up, but he seemed less inclined to get dressed. Rather he leant down, brushed my loosened hair away, and trailed a series of whiskery kisses down my bare back.

I couldn't help but smile at that. 

"I don't want to spoil this," I whispered, admiring him from over my shoulder. "I want to stay here, in this room, forever."

"Me too." Empty words, empty promises we both knew we couldn't keep. But it was nice to play a different game for the moment; it was nice to pretend.

A hungry glimmer remained in Fili's eyes. It seemed his brief doze had revived him. He was insatiable, and I was willing to comply.

Before we could begin another round, we caught the faint echo of voices, somewhere not far, and footsteps. We could only look at each other in horror as we caught the sound of our names being shouted out.

"Fili!" It could only be Kili. "Nithi!" He was shouting from somewhere far off, but, if they were looking for us, someone was bound to come across us sooner rather than later. And I didn't exactly want any other dwarf to catch me in such a state of undress with Fili.

We didn't say anything, didn't need to. Our time together was over, as short and sweet as it had been. We had to face the day and what it would bring - and we had to do it, preferably, dressed.

Our throes that night had been hindered somewhat by us both being in armour, and, having removed various pieces of it from each other, we had cast everything to various corners of the chamber. At the time that had seemed a good idea. We were now both regretting it as we scrambled around, trying to find everything before we were discovered.

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