chapter 9

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"Fire her Armando, she is nothing but a gold-digger" i wanted to tear my head off my body now ,my mum had been telling me to fire zoila but i have not found the courage to do so , enough gossip has speculated throughout the company , yes i was the boss but i liked my privacy and just firing zoila now without any reason would speculate more gossip. I looked at my mum now who was pacing my office .

"Mum please calm down please"

"Am not calming down until you fire her, how can you even stand her honey after everything she did to you " she looked me now her eyes were shining with anger now . i sighed and sunk deep into my sit , i know my mum love i and my brother deeply , she would do anything for us .

"Ok mum i will but not now, i don't want to raise up any gossip around and surly not deal with the paparazzi, i have enough gossip to my name already, please just calm down now " i persuaded her ,she stop pacing now and sat down . i smiled at this , my mum was my rock , there is nothing i would not do for her

" i love you mum so much" i told her emotions clouding my voice now .my mum looked at me with the same look i gave her " i love you too baby , i just want you to be happy"

"i know mum , i know " she smiled at me

Soon after chatting for a bit , my mum left , she said she had a meeting with her friend , i bid her goodbye and she left .

I got to work immediately i had a lot to do since i was away for so long , after the night out with Pedro, i didn't want to feel pity for myself again .

My office door opened , i didn't bother to look up i felt it was my secretary bring something not until i heard the voice i froze my seat . i looked up at her , beautiful as ever , looking at her now brought out new feeling from my body i had never felt before , yes ANGER

" what do you want zoila " i asked her with a straight face ,i was really angry now seeing her . she smiled and walked around my table to me , i was still looking at her , my eyes never leaving her face.

" oh baby i just wanted to see how you were doing , i heard you came back today and since you have not been picking my calls i figured i should just come see you in here" she said battling her eye lashes at me .

" ok a good , so please could you leave my office this instant " my voice was still cool even with the amount of anger i had within me now .i stood up from my sit facing her completely now , she was shorter than me

" oh come on.." she tried touching me , i removed my hand sharply from hers , she looked at me with shock . The nerve she has, coming into my office acting like nothing happened.

" i don't want to repeat myself again please leave my office now " she nodded giving my one last look she stomped out of my office ,i don't care about her again am very sure about this now , i really don't know what i saw in her before .

I dialled my sec number, telling her to come into my office immediately, second later she came into my office.

"Carmel type a fire later and give it to zoila immediately "my mum was right i had to fire her, Carmel looked at me with shocked expression but covered it up and left immediately.

I was going to be cold from now on, no more nonsense.

I resumed my work later , by the time i was done catching up it was late now . i called my driver to get the car ready . i wanted to go home and have dinner with my mum because Marco again had gone to new York for business meeting

Getting home now i went to my room to freshen up and went downstairs to have dinner with my mum . we chatted a bit , i told her that i had fired zoila , she was very happy , i felt relived too .

I went into my room later on to relax . as i close my eyes i was off .

I felt cool breeze on my skin , i woke up and saw i was not in my room , where was i? I looked around the bed was a love shaped bed i looked to where the breeze was coming from , it was the door that was opened , i walked over there to shut it close , but as i was about to do that something caught my eyes ,i walked outside ,i had noticed now that there was a beautiful ocean before me , i saw a blonde hair swaying as the wind was blowing . i was curious i moved closer and then it was as if she noticed i was closed by she turned around to look at me . my heart missed a beat. Fer??

So beautiful ,she stood up from the sand she was sitting on and walked towards me , as she was approaching my she was removing her bikini off her body , i closed my eyes immediately , i was not the pervert type

I felt soft lip on my mouth , it felt so good that didn't know when i responded , , i was lost i wanted her so much , fireworks sparking everywhere on my body , i held her close to me . she was moaning now as i kissed her neck and went down her breasts .

I took in her left nipple into my mouth, she was wimping now , i laid her on the sand, she had her legs around me now , i looked at her , she was looking at me with love filled eyes then she whispered " i love you my love " i was lost in that moment , it felt so right.

I woke up sweats pouring down my body , what a sweet night mare . i looked at my time it was 2am i sighed and got up to clean my face now . why had i dreamt about doctor fernada i was almost making love to her .

No i am not falling again for another woman ,i will admit the first time i saw he i was mesmerized she was so beautiful even more than zoila , but i held myself , i was just coming out from a really bad breakup.

i returned back to bed ,taking a deep breath before i relaxed on my bed , why her ?

thank you so much for reading

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