Melanie smith was an adopted girl with an amazing family... But she has a secret her parents don't even know. When she finds out she's half human half Angel, she becomes distant with people around her. But what happens when her school gets a new stu...
I woke up at 9:27am. 'When did I fall asleep?' I wonder to myself. I look behind me to see nothing there. 'Maybe it was just a dream?' I think.
Getting up I walk to the kitchen to get something to eat. Seeing that my parents aren't here, I have to cook my own food. Looking around the kitchen I see the pan on the top shelf. Reaching out to open it, I curse my height for being 5'4 and reach out even further.
Focusing on trying to open the cabinet. Almost giving up and getting a chair, it suddenly swings open hitting the other cabinet beside it with a loud 'thud'. Screaming at what just happened I put my hand close to my chest. I run up to my room and jump in my bed, putting the blankets over my head.
After a while of being under the covers I get out of them. Sitting on my bed I look at my hands and stare at them hard. Wondering what happened. I stay starring at my hands for a while, looking up I see my phone. Thinking, I look back at my hands. After thinking about the situation, I hold my hand out towards my phone and concentrate.
Feeling stupid after a while of nothing, I put my hand down and laugh at my self. What am I even thinking. Laughing at my stupidity, I get up to get my phone. I try to push the thought out off my head, thinking about what I should wear to for the surprise that I had to go to at 3pm. Looking at the time, it was 10:09. I still had a lot of time. I get up to take a shower and do something to waste time.
●●after shower●●● I go down stairs in some zibra striped shorts and a panda shirt.
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Feeling extremely fresh. I turn on the TV to see what's on, feeling bored I go to the kitchen and look for food, hungry since I didn't eat. I make myself some cereal since I wasn't in the mood to cook. And go to the table. Getting my phone out, it is 10:47. I scroll through Instagram and Twitter while eating. I try to entertain myself but the thought of earlier kept replaying in my head.
I put my phone in the middle of the table before crouching down so I was eye level with the table. Thinking of what happened earlier replayed in my head once again before I tried to use my 'powers'. I remember the way I felt a spark of energy go through my whole body to my fingertips and the way the cabinet doors swung open. Trying to make myself feel that sensation again. Realizing it's not working I give up. Going upstairs to take a nap.
●●●●●●●●● A/N: sorry it's extremely short but I'm pretty busy today. I know, I know, I should have just not updated but I felt like I should.