Melanie smith was an adopted girl with an amazing family... But she has a secret her parents don't even know. When she finds out she's half human half Angel, she becomes distant with people around her. But what happens when her school gets a new stu...
I wake up feeling like crap... groaning I turn onto my stomach, stuffing my head in my pillow. I heard sophie bark when she fell off the bed as I rolled over, sitting up I glare at her. Realizing that she did nothing wrong and it was my fault, I stop glaring at her and call her over. Seeing she didn't want to come to me I get upset
"Fine I don't want you here anyways!" I pout, grabbing my phone. Sophie then gets on the bed making me scoff. "Oh! Now you want to get on my bed?! But when I called you, you didn't come! Now I see how much you care about me!" I say getting up to go to the bathroom.
On my way there I start getting cramps. "Really!?" I wined as I run to the restroom, quickly getting a tampon, I put it on the sink counter so I will have it after my shower . I do my business and get in the shower.
After my shower, I change into something comfortable and warm, since it was October and it was starting to get a bit chilly outside.
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I dry my hair and put it in a messy bun before brushing my teeth, and putting on deodorant. I grab my bookbag, not bothering to eat breakfast. And leave without saying bye to my parents. I go out to wait for the bus earlier than usual.
Remembering I forgot to get a couple of pads and tampons, i run back to my house to get some, knowing I still had time.
I got a handful of tampons and a smaller handful of pads and stuffed them into my bookbag, hoping they will last the school week without having to get more, before running back outside to see the bus almost to the bus stop.
I run and make it just when the bus stops. I pant as I get on, looking around I start to feel anxious with all the people on the bus. I stand there as the one the bus talked. After a while, the bus driver looked at me and asked "Are you planning on sitting down?" Jumping slightly I nod and answer "y-yes.... bus driver!" I say, not really knowing the bus drivers name.
I start to walk down the aisle, flinching whenever someone stops their conversation to stare at me, making me feel small. I walk to the back where a seat was unoccupied, and sat down. I open my bookbag making sure no one saw the pads and tampons, I push them to the bottom before getting a book the English teacher was making the class read. I was almost done with it when I started to feel the cramps again. Groaning, I rest my head on the window, putting my hand over my stomach. Waiting for the pain to stop. I soon see the school after a few minutes.
I get off the bus, and run to the nurses room, still in pain from the cramps. As I go to the nurses room I feel like I just got punched, making me once again groan. I couldn't help but think that this was, by far, the worst pireod ever. Going into to room, I see no one in there.
"Hello? Nurse Andrea? I need an advil pill please! Hello?" Seeing that she wasn't here I go to a cabinet and look around. Seeing that all the medicine there was prescribed, as I go to another cabinet to look around.
I get another cramp worse than the rest I felt that morning. Making me fall to the ground, I hold onto my stomach as a small scream tries to escape my throat. "NUR-NURSE!!" I scream. Hoping she or someone was around to help me. I cry as the pain got more unbearable.
I hear the door open, and someone gasp, before it all goes black.
I wake up to my mom's worried face looking at me and my dad asleep. "Honey, honey!! She's awake, wake up!" My mom said hitting him on the arm. "How are you sweetie? You feeling ok?" My mom asks me. I sit up and get in a comfortable position, never looking at her the whole time. So, instead of answering I just nod at her. Still not looking at my parents. "You ok sport?" My dad asked this time I nod once more. "Are you sure yo-"
"I Already said I was fine!! Can you stop Asking! Geez!" I exclaimed. "Can-can you just leave me alone?" I say much quieter this time. "Oh! Yeah, ok sure, let's go honey!" My mom said surprised. I already know I'll get in trouble when I'm feeling better, so I just sigh and roll to my side. I look behind me when I hear sophie come in my room. Getting up I close the door and lock it before getting sophie and going to my bed. I get my TV remote and turn off cartoon network. (Notice she has a small computer or TV... but I'm gonna say it a TV so yeah whatever)
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I watch until my stomach is craving food. So as quietly as I can I go to the kitchen to get a pop tart, a bowl of strawberries, and a coke. I laugh at weird and unhealthy the food I got was, besides the strawberries, and ran upstairs to my room to eat at my little table near the window. Knowing I had to go to school tomorrow.
●●●●● Pretty good Huh? No? Oh... it's ok I don't mind anyways peeps. Who do you think found her?... *wiggles eyebrows* you will find out in the next chapter.... just playing it was just the nurse.. or was it?...nah just playing it was really. But something did happen when Melanie wasn't at school that day... wondering what it is?.. good! You should be... Omg haha did you see your face!! Lol ahaha I sure didn't lmao...*coughcough*.... sorry, Anyways!!
No_lable... OUT!!!
Ps. Sorry for any mistakes.. please point those out and I will fix them!😀