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Roomie Blues


A few weeks later

It's been a weird one.

I started off job hunting but somehow a second job found me in the form of a charming toddler just in the nick of time. Mrs. Lim has been lovely, and JaeJun was a lot of fun the few weekends I'd come over to babysit. I just wasn't entirely sure how to deal with the mistaken identity ordeal.

At the moment I was at their front door, but before I could knock it was flung open at a speed I'd never have expected from someone so small.

"Eomma!" I was nearly tackled to the ground by a three-year-old. He latched onto my leg and was kissing my knee again, as is apparently his default reaction to my appearance.

"Katya, you're here!" Mrs. Lim exclaimed from somewhere inside the house. She appeared from around the corner with a box in hand and a huge smile. "Good morning!"

"Morning!" JaeJun repeated with his tiny voice, arms up.

I picked him up and he kissed me on the cheek twice. "Good morning.....it's so early, why are you awake, JaeJun?"

"JaeJun, cook!"

My brows raised and I closed the door and walked farther into the house where his grandmother stood. It was still strange thinking of her as a grandmother- for her to be around fifty she looked to be in her late twenties, early thirties.

She smiled and chuckled, leading me to the kitchen with a knowing look. "He wanted to make you this big breakfast with pancakes shaped like flowers and he even wanted me to make a vase out of bacon," she gave me a look, "but..."

I looked around at the state of the kitchen. There was pancake mix everywhere- on the counter, the floor, the sink, and the stove. Some of the bacon was burnt to a crisp, but on the table near the window sat two bowls of oatmeal and two cute pieces of toast with that :3 face on them and a napkin and a spoon on the side.

"JaeJunnie make mess," he said with a finger in his mouth.

"It's okay," I said, "we can clean it up together, okay?"

He smiled and nodded enthusiastically and I put him back down on the floor.

"I'm so sorry to bother you on your off day! You don't have to clean all this, I can when I get back."

"No, it's no problem," I answered. "I rarely make plans anyway, I'm usually just watching TV or sleeping when I'm not working. And I love spending time with JaeJun."

"What about that handsome boy you were with?"

I had to think about it- the only guys I'd been around recently during the couple times she'd picked me up from work were Mark, Lamont and his friend YoungJae.

"Which one?" I asked timidly.

She chuckled. "Ah, the eventful life of a bachelorette." I sat JaeJun down at the table as he hummed a song to himself, rocking side to side. "Either."

"Oh! No," I shook my head, "they're just friends. I'd just met YoungJae that day, actually. The smiley one."

She gave me a knowing look but smiled. "So you're not dating?" I shook my head and she tousled JaeJun's hair. "I see."

I knew that tone.

She kept bringing up her son on the phone the other day- "he's hardworking, he loves to play with JaeJun even just after work when he's exhausted, he cooks the best Korean style food."

She wanted me to hook up with her son.

It's been about a month since I started watching JaeJun, and honestly, it's not that bad. I'm just not all that excited about meeting his dad- if he's a dud then it's weird because I've kind of already grown attached to his offspring, but if he really is as great as she claims that's a bad idea since I'm...not exactly a great catch. My homemaking skills are average, I have no real ambitions, and I only know how to make "Western style foods" which he apparently doesn't really like.

Doesn't matter, I don't need to be thinking about this. I need to think about other things, like what the hell I wanna do with my life besides work at a store in the mall and play "Eomma." How I'm gonna move out of my apartment with my randomly dysfunctional roommates.

Mrs. Lim had told me that JaeJun had been forming bonds with his babysitters since he learned to crawl but he had only called two "Eomma"- myself and another dark skinned girl with short hair who also worked in the mall once. Apparently we looked similar to one another, though I'm not sure how to take that.

"Eomma..." JaeJun grabbed my hand. "Sit."

"Hm?" I stared at him in confusion.

"Shhhit." My eyes almost bugged outta my skull until he pointed at the seat across from him. When I realized he wasn't cussing I nodded, sliding into the chair and picking up the spoon.

"Okay, you two," Mrs. Lim said, grabbing her purse. "I'm headed out. I'll be back some time tonight."

"Is there anything else I need to know before you leave?" I asked.

She grabbed a small notepad and handed it to me. "I wrote down anything I may have missed that I thought might be important. His inhaler is in the cabinet and the extras are in the hallway closet along with vitamins and other medicines you may need. He doesn't have any issues now, but better safe than sorry right?"

"Of course."

"I didn't get around to shopping yet, as you can tell by the remains of breakfast, but there's money for anything you might need in the jar shaped like a daisy on top of the fridge." Mrs. Lim walked over to JaeJun to lean in for a kiss on her cheek, eyes still on the sausage on his plate. "I should be back around eight but if not JaeBeom will be on his way around that time and he works an hour away." She started walking towards the living room and JaeJun waved.


"Have fun!" She called, closing the door.

I smiled and nodded staring down at the notepad.

Wait a minute....

He loves That's So Raven?

I glanced up at him as he danced to a song playing in his head, chewing happily and humming.


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