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"I'm gonna get a scorpion here!" I didn't turn around to see where BamBam had pointed but I'm pretty sure that judging by the guffaw coming from YuGyeom it wasn't his arm. We were all sitting in Jackson's car waiting for Katya to come join us.

Jackson sighed from the driverside. "Bam, you shouldn't mark up your skin, that scorpion will look terrible when you're older anyway."

"He looks terrible enough with his hair dyed," YuGyeom chortled, screaming when BamBam reached around the passenger seat and slapped his chest.

"Hey. Shouldn't you be inside with her, Mark?" I turned to face BamBam, who was looking at me with doe eyes. "I can go up and-"

"Uh-uh- DOWN, BOY," Jackson interrupted. "I told you to stay away from her. Mark, you go."

I shrugged, looking back out the window. I was reaching for the handle when I spotted that guy from earlier, JB. He was standing near the entrance and glancing down at his phone a lot.

I wasn't exactly thrilled by the idea of Katya spending so much time with a guy like him. He hadn't done much, but with the little behaviors he'd exhibited so far, using his son as an excuse to trap her even when she wasn't the actual mother was always a possibility. Don't get me wrong, the kid is cute and JB's is Jackson's oldest friend but none of us can truly say we know the guy, plus Katya is easier to manipulate than she thinks. There are little instances that reveal just how naive she can be. It worries me, so in the short time that we've all known her I've tried to take action before they could, using YoungJae's naivety to make it so they were teamed up or together in some sense. Having YoungJae sit on her other side opposite me when we all hung out or tossing hints YoungJae's way to get him to check on her when I knew she wasn't herself.

You're probably thinking, Mark, why not just do it yourself instead of using the guy she has a crush on?

YoungJae is a relatively innocent, naive guy who genuinely wants to be friends with Katya- he just doesn't know how. But to further prove my point, Kat only developed a crush on him after I 'forced' YoungJae into her field of vision. Had I not made sure they were almost always together, she would have never noticed him, or worse.

She'd probably be crushing on Jackson.

Not that Jackson is a bad guy- he's one of my closest friends. He's just.....Jackson. Plus it'd just make things weird if they broke up.

But maybe I'm just trying to convince myself...

Someone shoved my shoulder and I glanced back at Jackson.

"Go ahead. She's gonna think we forgot about her and get snatched up or something!"

"Okay, Mom." I rolled my eyes and got out, slamming the door on the screeching and cackling coming from the younger two.

"Be careful!"

I only made it two feet away from the truck before I noticed the little ball with hair clinging onto his dad's calf. Curious, I approached them slowly, catching some words from his conversation but not enough to make sense of it.

"Appa. Ramyeon." The small child pointed at me and used the nickname he'd given me due to the texture of my hair the day we'd met. Fortunately I'd been able to change my hair the next day before work- nothing's more scarring than having a child point out your imperfections.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18 ⏰

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