[10] the girl behind the laptop

215 21 11

Rin: Hey Jack. Sorry, had to go.

Jack: ok

Jack: tell me abt u

Jack: and ill tell u abt me

Rin: Ok... well I'm fourteen.

Jack: i mean what u look like

Rin: Alright... well, I'm a brunette.

Jack: ok go on

Rin: Um, you know my height

Jack: yeah

Jack: what abt ur skin colour

Rin: Sorta... tanned? Like, before I was pale and now I'm tanned because of our Aussie sun ;)

Jack: haha

Rin: Anything else?

Jack: favourite colour, shop, macca's meal, what do u think abt all day breakfast

Rin: Haha! Um, my favourite colour is black, my favourite shop... well, I don't shop much... my favourite McDonald's meal, probably all-day breakfast (hotcakes) and I think I just answered the last question :) now answer everything you just said

Jack: ok

Jack: im blonde, im kinda pale

Rin: Ok...

Jack: i dont have a favourite colour and im not going to answer the shopping q bc that was 4 u. my fav maccas meal is like a cheeseburger and all-day breakfast is good.

Rin: Alright, I feel like I know you so much better already!

Rin: *sarcasm noted?

Jack: yeah

Jack: rin

Jack: ok bye

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