1. The Watcher

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Taehyung calls out his name one more time before sighing and giving up

"For fucks sake Jungkook, did you get lost in the house again or something?" he sighs, running a hand through his hair as he sprints up to the fourth floor of their parents house. Yes, they still live at home, but who wouldn't when your parents are rich fucks and it's basically impossible to even find them in the house anyway?

"Master Taehyung, are you looking for anything?" one of the maids bows her head as he passes, but he just shakes his head and continues to trudge through the corridors in the hope of finding his younger brother.

Taehyung is 18- Jungkook is 16, they're pretty close, although Taehyung is pretty sure that Jungkook is scared of him. He better be, because they are both already 30 minutes late for their monthly dinner with their parents because of him, and trust me, you don't want to get on the wrong side of their parents.

"Jungkook, I swear to god I will kill you when I find you" the brown-haired male growls once again, pulling open every door as he passes. It's not until he's made it to the 6th corridor on the fourth floor that he hears a noise, a small whimper of some sorts.

"Jungkook? Is that you?" Taehyung calls out, but whoever it is must have not heard him, as another whimper is heard and Taehyung is certain that it's coming from the furthest guest bedroom. 

He cautiously turns the door handle, peering in and not really expecting to find anything, but what he does see makes his eyes shoot open and his mouth drop

Jungkook is lying on the bed completely naked, headphones on and hard dick in his hands. He's pumping himself, back arched off the bed beautifully as sweat drips down his skin and small whimpers spill from his lips.

Taehyung stands there, frozen. Until something clicks and he realises - he should not be watching this. He should not be watching his younger brother jack off.

Taehyung stands there all the same, unable to move as Jungkook's hand gets more frantic, his eyes squeezed shut as he lets out little gasps and breaths, and Taehyung can tell he's close. The elder is almost surprised to feel his own jeans beginning to tighten, and that's when he knows it's time to fucking go.

Taehyung shuts the door as quietly as he can before sprinting down the corridor, passing the maid and dashing down the stairs as fast as he can. He finally stops when he makes it to his bedroom and throws himself down onto the covers, placing his hands over his face. 

What the fuck?! What the fuck Taehyung?! What the actual fuck Kim Taehyung?!

The sinful scene of Jungkook plays on repeat in his head and he groans into his hands. Why did he watch?!

Watching him was wrong, but it's fine, he can just forget about it- right?

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