2. The Waiter

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Taehyung shifts uncomfortably in his seat,

"I'm sure he'll be here in a minute" he reassures his parents as they frown back at him

"I don't see why you won't just go and get him Taehyung, we've already been waiting far too long for that boy to turn up"

Taehyung just keeps quiet, looks down at the table, and tries not to think about what just went on upstairs only moments ago

"Ah, here he is" his dad announces and the blonde sighs in relief, but his relief is short lived because Jeongguk takes the seat directly next to him without a second thought, and when he looks over he sees that the younger's hair is just as messy as it was when he was lying on the bed with his cock in his hands not ten minutes ago

Shit Taehyung stop thinking about it

"Mother, Father, good to see you again" Jeongguk speaks quietly. 

Taehyung knows that his brother is uncomfortable around him, it's no secret that the raven haired boy is scared of his elder brother, but right now it seems that Taehyung is in fact the uncomfortable one 

"Taehyung here went to go find you but came back empty handed" their dad chuckles, a hollow and cold sound

Well at least I didn't have my dick in my hand unlike some people at this table-

No. Stop.

Stop thinking about it.

"Um, Tae, are you okay?" Jeongguk asks nervously from beside him and the blonde quickly snaps his head towards the voice, making direct eye contact and causing Jeongguk to cower away at his gaze

"Your hair is mess" the elder points out and Jeongguk flushes

"I-I'm sorry I was-" he starts to explain but Taehyung cuts him off

Let's play.

"You were what Jeongguk? Huh? What were you doing all alone upstairs?" Taehyung smirks and the younger's eyes open wide as his face flushes even more, "Go on" he prompts before leaning slightly closer to his brother and whispering, "Why don't you tell daddy?"

Jeongguk is completely frozen and they're only broken out of their intense staring match when there's an award chuckle from across the table,

"Now now Taehyung" their father says, cutting into his food and not even bothering to glance up at them, "he doesn't have to tell me what he does all the time now does he?"

Not the daddy I meant, Taehyung thinks to himself

But the blonde finally sits back in his chair anyway, throwing their dad a fake smile before turning his attention to his own plate food,

Jeongguk remains frozen, completely and utterly baffled by what has just happened, what was Taehyung talking about? Why is he acting like this? 

What does he know?

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