3. The Sugar Baby

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The two boys are surprisingly sat together voluntarily for once... well,in the same room.... at opposite ends.... both focusing on their phones- but that's still an improvement, right?!

Both of them are tapping away in silence until the blonde decides to break it rather abruptly,

"Jeongguk, are you gay?" Taehyung asks bluntly, looking up from his phone as Jeongguk's fingers freeze mid-type

"W-what do you mean?" the younger pathetically stutters and Taehyung sighs, rolling his eyes at his younger brother,

"I mean, do you like cock up your ass? What else would I be asking you dip-shit?"

Jeongguk flushes a deep red and is about to attempt an answer when the doorbell rings, leaving him sitting there with his mouth gaping,

"Ah, that must be Jimin!" Taehyung smiles to himself before shouting to the maids to let the visitor at the door in,

"Ji-who?!" The raven haired asks with a small frown on his face, never having heard the name before,

"Jimin, Jesus can't you speak anymore Jeongguk?" Taehyung scoffs before standing up when the living room door opens and turning to face the new arrival,

The new arrival being one of the most beautiful human beings that Jeongguk has ever seen in his life. Jimin has thick black hair, he's short and looks incredibly cute with his sweater sleeves falling past his fingertips, but his eyes twinkle with promise and Jeongguk doesn't miss the way he walks with calm confidence and thighs that could kill.

"Taehyungie!!" He cheers, running towards the blonde and flinging himself into his arms and hanging onto him like a small koala

"Ah, hello to you too baby, I missed you" Taehyung gently kisses the top of his head before placing him back down on the floor, "let me just get my wallet and then we can go babe, okay?"

Jimin nods and watches as Taehyung leaves before turning to face Jeongguk who has been quite obviously watching him since he entered the room

"Jeongguk, right?" the smaller asks politely and Jeongguk nods quietly in response, "not much of a talker, eh?" Jimin giggles before moving towards him

Jeongguk's eyes widen and there's shock written all over his face as Jimin takes a seat

In his lap

Facing him

His legs on either side of his

Straddling him


"U-um Jimin"

"Yes?" Jimin asks sweetly, eyes crinkling at the sides as he smiles

"Why are you-"

"It's comfy."

"But T-Taehyung, won't he be-"

"He won't mind."

"But aren't you guys- like... dating?!" The last word comes out as a whisper and Jimin throws his head back in laughter, his hips unintentionally rocking forward into Jeongguk's

"Oh no Kookie, you see- TaeTae here buys me the things I want because let's face it, he's loaded as fuck, and I pay him back in... small favours" Jimin smirks slightly but then notices the look of complete confusion written on Jeongguk's face and sighs,

"I let him fuck me Jeongguk"


"Jimin, I'm back!" Taehyung calls, bursting back into the room, "Ah- i see you got acquainted with my little brother then?"  Taehyung laughs, pushing his wallet into his back pocket and holding a hand out for Jimin to take

The smaller places his tiny hand into Taehyung's and elegantly removes himself from Jeongguk's lap, the younger letting out a small inaudible sigh of relief

"Well, it was nice meeting you Kookie!" Jimin calls out before leaving the house with Taehyung, and Jeongguk waits until he hears the door slam shut before sinking into his seat and burying his face into his hands,

He's thinking back to what just happened, replaying it in his head because everything was so sudden and new and confusing- until something suddenly clicks and he shoots up straight in his seat, eyes wide,


Taehyung is gay?!


Lmao no shit Sherlock

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