4. The Question

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"So... your brother's cute" Jimin notes cheekily as the two of them walk down the street to the shopping district. Taehyung grunts in acknowledgment,

"Annoying as fuck too, but yeah he's cute" Tae shrugs then chuckles, "he's really grown up the past few years, you should have seen him when he was younger, cute still but in a totally different way- had these big bunny teeth I used to tease him endlessly for"

Jimin laughs as they both walk into Gucci, "Poor kid" then, "Gay?"

"Don't know, I actually tried to ask him that just before you arrived" Taehyung gestures to a jacket he thinks the smaller will like and the other eagerly nods his head before slipping it on and admiring himself in the mirror. Solid guess, Jimin always likes shiny new things.

Speaking of,

"Mind if I try to get a little closer with him?" Jimin's smile is cheeky to say the least, eyes gleaming like he's plotting something.

"Jesus Jimin are you trying to sleep with my younger brother now too? Do I not give you enough? Greedy little fuck I swear" Tae teases, not particularly caring but loving the opportunity to tease his friend for his forever thirst

"Hmmm depends..." Jimin turns to face the taller, who's eyes darken as the other leans further into him, wrapping his arms around Tae's neck and looking up at him through his eyelashes, "You gonna buy me this jacket? I bought something special just for you as well TaeTae, in fact..." the smaller takes his hand, guiding it down his body until it slips into the back of his jeans and around the curve of his ass.


"I've got them on right now" Jimin's eyes sparkle under the store lights, rivalling the gleam of the sequins on his Gucci jacket, and Tae sucks in a short breath at the sight.

"Consider it bought." he winks, "and also you can do what you want with my brother, but I'll warn you now that the kid most likely has 0 experience and is a lot more careful with his money than me- but if you're still up for the challenge then go for it, you have my blessing"

Jimin beams at him, "Great! Now let's go buy this jacket for me because I know it's gonna match my lace set and I can't wait to let you fuck me in it"


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