5. The Second

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Jungkook's sat in his room blasting XXXTENTACION in a hope to understand his friends better when he hears the faintest sounds coming from down the hall. He jumps over to his speakers and lowers the volume, only to be met with the sound of whimpers and moans and "Tae please", and just like that his face is heating up to a thousand degrees.

He's just about to increase the volume, jump back into bed and hide under the covers for the remaining years of his life when the sounds get louder, along with familiar grunts, and he feels the sensation of his dick stirring in his pants. Fucking shit fucking teenager hormones what the fuck.

"God Tae please, more, fuck, so good, am I- am I being good, fuck, am I being good for you?"

Holy shit okay then Jimin likes being praised, he'll save that in the back of his mind for whenever the fuck this starts resurfacing in his dreams.

"Yeah baby you're so fucking good for me, the best, so beautiful"

And that's his brother. The brother who he grew up with. The brother who's voice sounded so deep that Jungkook just can't quite get over it. His brother who's fucking Jimin in his room right now. The room which Jungkook, despite his better judgement, finds himself walking towards right this very second.

He reaches the end of the hallway, and the sounds are so loud now- the sweet moans, the quiet whimpers, the words of praise and the 'fuck's' and Jungkook can't help it, he tries to stop himself as he takes a step forward, closer to the noise. He tries to stop himself when he notices the door is open a little, tries to stop himself when he pushes it open ever so slightly more, and definitely tries to stop himself when he quietly and carefully peeks through.

Now Jungkook, being the teen he is, is no stranger to porn. But jesus fuck he was not ready for this. He was not ready for the sight of Jimin, wearing only what looks to be a new sparkly Gucci jacket and red lace underwear, not ready for the sight of those red lace underwear being pushed to the side to allow for Jimin to ride his brother with abandon.

His brother. His brother who's now pushing Jimin onto his back and snapping his hips hard and fast, and Jungkook for a second doesn't quite know who he's jealous of.

Jungkook is frozen in his place, has been for possibly seconds. Or has it been minutes now? His mind running a million miles an hour as he stand there and watches his brother fuck into Jimin and listens to them both moan in pleasure. But what fully snaps him out of his haze is when Jimin's eyes meet his over the movement of Taehyung's shoulder. And shit he's holding his gaze.

Jimin's mouth is open, short sharp gasps and whimpers escaping his lips as his body is being pushed up the bed with the force of Taehyung's thrusts, and his eyes are lidded and staring straight into his own wide and panicked ones.

They hold each other's gaze and Jungkook loses the ability breathe, this is wrong, he shouldn't be doing this, he needs to go- he's about to step back when he watches Jimin's mouth move, the word escaping his plump lips, "J-Jungkook"

It comes out high and breathy and stuttered, and Jungkook expects Taehyung to stop, because surely that's gotta be weird, it has to be, but it's almost like Tae was expecting it when his only response is a light chuckle and his hips picking up pace, "Yeah? You want little kookie to fuck you like this? Think he could handle it, could fuck you better than me?" Tae questions, voice dark and nothing like Jungkook has heard before, and it has something dark of his own stirring in the pit of his stomach, something he knows should not be there but he enjoys none the less.

"Want- want you both, fuck, want you both to fuck me , shit- please- want it so bad" Jimin gasps out, and holy fucking shit Jungkook's dick is definitely awake right now, and it's sick and it's twisted but god there's a part of him that wants that so bad. It seems like Tae is on a similar page, and if he's not then he doesn't let it show, because seconds later he's grunting and swearing and his pace falters as he comes and Jungkook really has to leave now.

He realises belatedly, when he's back in his room, that they both must have heard him turn his music down, that neither of them had stopped when the risk of him hearing had been there. He also realises that he's the hardest he's ever been in his life, and the guilt inside of him and the twisted nature of what just happened is only making him harder.

Well he's really in shit now.


"What?!" I hear you gasp! The author is alive?! And posted two chapters?! What is this world?!

Yes, hello, I'm alive and I promise none of my fics are discontinued. I got a lot of PM's about continuing this one and I felt shit about not updating in SO. BLOODY. LONG. so taaadaaaa! pestering me apparently does work because I managed to find some time!

Also i know there is a lot of swearing in this fic lmao I should really add a warning .... but I mean there's definitely worse happening than swearing so... :')

I hope you enjoyed these two chapters and don't hate me for taking like 2 years to update! (sob)

see you soon! (i promise)

also this is called 'The Second' because it's not only the second 'watcher' but also my second chapter post in the space of an hour (i think it's been under an hour?) and also mentions seconds (as in time) so HEY MULTI-MEANINGS WHOOP

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