Chapter 3 Part 2

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The early morning light filtered through the window, casting a warm glow upon the room as I rose from my slumber. With a sense of purpose, I set about preparing for the day ahead, the prospect of our journey back to the castle filling me with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension.

Packing my belongings into a single bag, I opted for comfort over extravagance, choosing a simple yet clean outfit for the journey ahead. With a quick glance in the mirror, I made my way to Gabriel's room, eager to begin our journey home.

Knocking on the door yielded no response, prompting me to venture inside in search of him. The sound of running water emanated from the bathroom, signaling his presence within. Opting to wait, I turned my attention to the window, the bustling activity outside a stark contrast to the solitude within.

Lost in thought, I scarcely noticed Gabriel's approach until his arms encircled my waist, his warmth enveloping me in a comforting embrace.

"Hey, I finished packing. The bag is just in my room," I offered, turning to face him with a tentative smile.

"Hi. Wait, did you just say 'bag' as in one bag?" he inquired, his surprise evident as he regarded me with curiosity.

"Yes, I did. I don't have many clothes and stuff, so I managed to pack it all in one bag," I replied, a hint of self-consciousness creeping into my voice.

"Well, I tell you what. When we get back to the castle, we'll go shopping for clothes and anything else you want tomorrow, if you like," he suggested, his tone sincere as he sought to put me at ease.

"Really? I would really like that," I responded, a sense of gratitude washing over me at his offer.

With time to spare before our departure, we settled into an easy conversation, exchanging stories and sharing laughter amidst the quiet intimacy of the moment.

"What's your full name?" he asked, breaking the silence with a hint of curiosity.

"Paris Ann Summers. What's yours?" I replied, returning the question with genuine interest.

"Gabriel Thomas Jordan," he answered, his voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia as he offered a glimpse into his past.

As our conversation flowed, I learned more about him—his hopes, his dreams, and the tragedies that had shaped him into the man he had become. And in turn, I shared my own experiences, opening up about the scars that marred my past and the struggles I had endured.

But our moment of camaraderie was shattered by the harsh reality of my suffering, as Gabriel's protective instincts flared to life, his anger a tangible force that reverberated through the room. With a primal roar, he unleashed his fury upon the door, shattering its fragile facade in a fit of righteous indignation.

As I tended to his wounds, I marveled at the depth of his compassion, his unwavering support a beacon of hope amidst the darkness that had long enveloped me.

With our departure imminent, I bid farewell to the life I had known, my heart heavy with the weight of goodbye. But as we embarked on our journey home, I dared to hope for a future filled with promise—a journey of healing, love, and newfound purpose.

As the landscape blurred by outside the window, I found solace in Gabriel's presence, his steady warmth a reminder that I was no longer alone in this world. And as I drifted into a peaceful slumber, cradled in his arms, I whispered a silent vow to cherish every moment of this newfound journey—a journey that had only just begun.

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