Power Crazed much?

400 11 2

I see the glow from our cave, and a pair of signature green eyes looking out regally.
I call my greting.
Shade replies, "HICCUP! You've been gone for hours!"
I nod, and sigh, "We had to recapture the stinky one. He go away becuase he's too sweaty and the poor Nightmare lost his grip."
The stinky one comments, "Hey!"
I snarl, "Be quiet."
He never shut up for two secounds. If I had a length of rope I would've gaged him.
I signal for the dragons to let the teens down gently.
I see a small smile on the Nightmare, who throws the stinky one right into the bathtub.
Then, it strides in and turns the water on.
The stinky one struggles, but the Nightmare puts a huge paw over the top.
Astrid is laughing, leaning on the wall.
The Nightmare manages the soap pump, and squirts in in the tub with the outraged boy.
I laugh, remembering that the claws on a dragons' wings and claws are apposebale, like thumbs.
The Nightmare drains the tub, then rinses the teen off.
He lifts him out, then warble the sound of acceptance.
Shade did the same thing he day he took me to the alpha to be trained into prince hood.
I smile, and comment, "He's all yours, stinky one."
I gesture to the Nightmare.
I grab a saddle, and stick it on the Nightmare.
It warbles, happy.
It scoops the boy into the saddle.
Astrid looks concerned.
I see a blue and yellow Nadder standing in front of Astrid.
I show her how to get it to trust her.
She pushes her palm out, and tilts her head away.
It leans on her, and we spend the day training the others to ride.
I ask the man, who obviously doesn't fit in, "Who are you sir?"
He grumbles, "Gobber the Belch. Who are you, winged one?"
I reply, "Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the third. But I go by Hiccup."
The man goes silent.
He asks, "As in Valka Haddock?"
I snarl, "Why do you drag my mother into this?"
He hugs me.
I take it offensivly, and fight him off.
He gets the hint.
That was weird.
Gobber calls the other teens over.
He cries, "This is the lost cheif! Here! With wi... oh no."
I flap my wings.
I ask, "What?"
Gobber comments, "Why do you have wings?"
I reply, frowning, "Why does it suprise you? I am a Night Fury."
Gobber and the teens screech, "WHAT?"
I turn into a my natural form, and look to Astrid.
Astrid smiles.
I see a glint of fear in the teens eyes.
I ask, "Want to see something amazing?"
They nod, and Astrid beams.
I take off, and they follow behind.
I call Shade, and he pulls up beside me.
I look back, and see Astrid leading the group.
I smile at her, and flap faster.
Shade is beside me.
I turn to see what I'm doing.
I see the spot, and tell them to stay perfectly still.
I fly over, and ask, "Alpha Bewilder, please initiate these youth... if you see it fit."
He opens his eyes, and looks at me with question.
He asks, "Who are you, young Fury of the Night?"
I turn human, and he nods.
He laughs, but it sounds like a roar to the untrained ear.
I smile.
He chortles, "Ah, my pupil, Hiccup. I'm glad you discovered your true form. Now, I sense one of these men you brought is no youth. In fact, unless I am wrong, tips towards his senior years."
I nod, and comment, "Yes, I forgot about him. He says he's a friend of my illusive father."
The Alpha Bewilder frowns, and growls, "He is no ally of mine, or any dragon. He beheaded one of us in his early youth! Imagine what he would do to you."
I nod, solemn.
I would be but a trophy kill.
I flap back to the others, and guide them to the alpha.
He takes control of their dragons, then them.
I remember the time I accidentally woke him up.
I shudder, and chills run up and down my spine.
I look away, and I know he knows I'm remembering.
He nods, anger in his eyes.
I make eye contact last-minute, and we end up in a mind control off.
He tries to control me, and I try to control him.
He said if I can learn the trick to controlling him, I'm worthy to be alpha after he passes.
So, I've been trying to control him ever since.
I raise my eyebrows as he stalks off mid sigh.
I turn Night Fury, and catch his attention.
He whips around, and flinches.
I get him to re try the power off.
He growls, "Hiccup. Look away."
I growl, "No."
He snarls, "Now."
I never see his paw raise off the ground.
I ask, "Why? This is what you trained me for, Alpha Bewilder!"
He slams into me with a big, white, spiky paw.
I'm proud to say I never broke eye contact.
He snarls, "NOW! Or I'll have to kill you!"
I don't break eye contact, although everything else of mine does as I hit the wall.
I cry out, but never look away.
I fall down the wall, never looking away.
The alpha draws his fangs.
I snarl, and try to fly up.
Bewilers are horrid fliers. If I can get out of tusk range.
I see the fangs draw close, and see the other teens sitting in shock along side my mother.
She's crying. My mother is crying.
I flap and hit him square in the eye.
He roars in outrage.
He looks at me with distain.
He growls, "You are just as bad as your father. DRAGON KILLER!"
The other dragons cheer it too.
He growls, "BANISHED!"
Shade comes to my side, along with Astrid.
I look at my mom, but she isn't there.
Fine. To Berk then.
I signal to move out, and I fly off with my best friends by my side.
The other teens catch up too.
Emotions try and tip me over the edge, but I cling to my happy memmories.
How the frick will we pull this off?

The HIDDEN Fury <Httyd Fanfic For Fanfic Friday 'Different World'>Where stories live. Discover now