☞ for london tipton

126 11 21

@brateee_, this one's for you! you have gotten on my last fucking nerve.

I am so done with your bullshit and I'm pretty sure everyone else can agree they're done with you, too. for some reason, you just love getting in everyone's business and causing bullshit like the rest of you squad likes to do. you're always commenting on drama that (for once) has nothing to with you, and you just enjoy pissing everyone off, right?

how are you even on wattpad if you're not even thirteen years old? wattpad's policy is that you must be thirteen years or older to be on wattpad, so, how are you here? I don't know how your account hasn't been deleted yet since you're not old enough to be here.

how do you know how people feel when it comes to their diss tracks given by californiaavenue?

how do you know how people feel when it comes to their diss tracks given by californiaavenue?

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I think this screenshot says it all. please tell me I'm not the only who finds what you said wrong.

the diss tracks are mean, disrespectful, and hurtful. I think everyone who got a diss track or even just reads the shitty diss tracks would agree.

for your information, I was hurt by the diss track given to me. I'm so sorry I don't have thick skin like you! apparently it's funny to tell people to kill themselves, omg! says the one who literally got offended because I said I'd throw a rock at them, wow.

the conversation I was having was with tatemcrae-, not you. why did you feel the need to get involved? oh yeah, because you love getting yourself included in any drama that happens around here. and you deny that you're not involved in all of the drama that occurs in this fandom lately? haha, now, that's hysterical.

and I heard you told someone to stop attacking your squad, when you and your petty squad were doing all of the attacking, and the person wasn't even attacking you? well done, london, do you want an award for fucking hypocrite of the year? stop accusing everyone of attacking you the second they say something to you. but, you're like a child, so no wonder you feel like everyone's attacking you.

so, basically, get off wattpad, and leave everyone the fuck alone.

sincerely, everyone on wattpad. :)

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