yo yo yo it's victoria back at it again with a new rant book? honestly the reason why I decided to make a new rant book is because I can't stand my current rant book (it's such a mess and most of the rants are irrelevant), so I decided to make a second edition. so, I bring you: (more of) victoria's rants! (you clap here)
plus there's like a hundred rants in my current rant book so I thought it's time to make a second edition.
as you can probably guess, everything in here will be an opinion. my opinion. so, if you have a problem with any of my rants, feel free to comment your own opinions, but do it nicely and don't start a war in the process. any hateful comments will be deleted, of course.
my first rant will be a get to know me kind of thing, and then my second rant will be where it all comes out and my anger unleashes. peace.
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