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Today, today was rougher than usual. Michaels' teachers were hard on him for his assignments, the tests he received back weren't all that great, and the pale boy was beginning to think it had something to do with Calum, because he never failed before he got caught up in the brunette. Maybe spending time with him isn't a good thing.

But of course, as Michael thought more and more about how disappointed his mother would be in him for failing, Calum showed up with both knuckles bandaged this time, concealer covering a very obvious bruise, that wasn't big enough to have come from another pair of fists. He had to have been doing something else that wasn't fighting -- but what? Before Michael could think further into the situation, the Maori was already running up to him with a smile on his face.

"Here's your money," Calum said breathlessly, pulling out a stack of eight hundred dollars, bundled underneath a rubber band, "I worked really hard for this."

"Calum," Michael whined, looking left to right before pulling the boy into the nearby janitors closet, the brunette automatically thinking that they were going to have a make-out session. That's what he was hoping for, anyway. "What are you doing to make this money?"

"It doesn't matter," Calum shrugged as he ran his uncovered thumb against Michaels' hand, "I was hoping we were doing something else other than having this conversation." Michael groaned, pushing his body against the brunettes, due to the tight space in the closet. "I guess you can kiss me."

"Really?" Calum quirked, brown eyes lighting  up as he placed his bandaged hand on the back of the pale boys neck, that same hazy smile covering the weight on his shoulders, "I want to do more than kiss you."

"Well, news flash Calum, we can't fuck in a tight janitors closet," Michael groaned once again, accidentally patting the Maoris bum without realization, to which the brunette squeaked. Michael rolled his eyes. "I didn't mean to grab your ass, sorry."

"Sure you didn't," Calum winked, though it wasn't all that noticeable, since the lights weren't on and they didn't want to get caught, "I could give you a blowjob or something."

"I'm not horny," Michael shrugged once again, trying to move away from the brunette because he really wasn't interested in participating in the exchange right now, "in fact, I didn't eat breakfast and my stomach is grumbling." Calum frowned, but let Michael move away, regardless. So much for the deal.


It was after school when both boys met up again, their bodies practically becoming tools as lightning filled their lungs. Michael kept begging for answers, but Calum refused to give them to him. "At least give me a hint."

"I already told you -- fire."

"I think if I'm giving you my damn body, I deserve to know what you're doing to make money," Michael pursed once again, leaning against the metal chair behind his cardboard lemonade stand. This was awfully depressing. "And don't tell me that it's dangerous again, because I already know."

"Well it is, Michael, and I don't want you getting involved."

"I already am!" Michael shouted, watching as Calum flinched and moved away. Maybe that wasn't the best approach -- but he really didn't know what to do. His mother was dying, he needed the money, and oh, he really didn't want to have sex with anybody anytime soon, but Calum was practically down on his knees and begging for something. "Sorry, I don't mean to yell, I'm just worried about you."

"Why would you be worried about me?" Calum chuckled, kissing his knuckles that were still bandaged, yet somehow not aching anymore, "I thought I was just some fuckboy to you."

You aren't. "Sure, you want sex from a lot of people -- specifically me, and I guess there isn't anything wrong with that, but seeing you all damaged and broken like this, with money that would take months to make is concerning. And I want to know what you're doing."

"You really want to know?" Calum questioned, biting down on his lip as he gawked at the people who walked by with scowls on their faces. Society is pathetic. "Because once I show you, you'll never want me to do it again, and I want your mom to live as much as I want to fuck you."

"Please show me."

"I have a week left of this until the final paycheck," Calum sighed, looking down at his ripped jeans, "I promise I'll show you when the time comes." That angered Michael. He wanted to go now, but maybe it was for the best -- or maybe it was more dangerous than Calum played it off to be. Anything involving fire sounded scary, and he didn't like the idea of it at all.

Michael nodded, pressing his hands together as he bit into one of his homemade oatmeal raisin cookies, cringing at the awful taste, "I'm done for today. You up for meeting someone?"


"My mum."

Calum had never felt more special and welcomed in his whole god damn life.

And he wouldn't get rid of that feeling for the world.



Thoughts? 😂

I'm really surprised you guys haven't figured it out yet.

How do you feel about Michael wanting Calum to meet his mom?

Updates will start slowing down bc I start work tomorrow, and school starts in two weeks. Fuck.

Please leave a comment and a vote. I love you guys loads. 💕

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