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Emma's POV
I get dressed into my light pink dress and white tights since we were not adventuring today. I walk out and I see Kawaii~chan and Lucinda on the couch looking at a news paper.
"Hey guys what's up?" I ask
"Kawaii~chan showed me this news paper there is a building available in a village a little way from here, we are going to buy it and set up a maid cafe," Lucinda says
"Really?" I say a little sad.
"Yeah OH MY IRENE EMMA~CHAN SHOULD WORK WITH US!" Kawaii~Chan says excited.
"Kawaii~Chan I would love to, but I don't know if I will be staying. We sort of want to go back to O'khasis," I say.
"Okahsis has too many guards and you would look amazing in a maid outfit!" Lucinda says.
"And we need another person to work with us!" kawaii~chan added
"I'm so sorry but I just can't, what about Gwen, she can help!" I say.
"Sure.....what are we talking about?" Gwen says, walking up.
"Want to work at a maid cafe with us?" Kawaii~Chan asks
"YES YAY!" she shouted.
"What's wrong what happened?!?" Dante shouts running in with a bat.
"Nothing we are fine," Lucinda said.
"You were screaming, you should keep it down. You might wake Emma's dead ferret from his eternal sleep," Dante muttered the last part.
"What?" I say
"Nothing!" he sang, shutting the door.
"Yay I have always wanted to work at a maid cafe....but if a boy tries to make a move on me, do I have permission to knock 'em out cold" Gwen says, putting her fist up.
"Of course!" Lucinda smiled.
"Yessss!" Gwen smiled
"Wait so does that mean your moving?" I ask.
"Yeah I guess so," Gwen says
"Oh well I hope you have fun you better visit!" I say.
"Oh no if we want the building we have to move in now!" Lucinda says looking at her phone.
"I'll go pack," Gwen says running to her room.

~Time skip brought to you by Elena's dilemma~

"Bye!" Kawaii~Chan says as she walks out the door.
I give her a hug and they leave. I turn around, it was weird, our journey was ending and our friends are leaving.
"Hey it's empty do you think I will echo?" Vylad joked walking in.
"Maybe?" I laugh.
"AHH" he screamed but no echo.
Dante ran in again.
"WHAT NOW!" he says looking around.
"....oh nothing, think the rats up by now," he mumbled
"He's not a rat," I called after him.
"What is with him did he see a ghost?" Vylad asks.
"Not sure you're goofy today, what's up?" I ask.
"Nothin', just happy to be back!" he said sitting on the couch.
"Hey Emma I- oh uh hey Vylad," Travis says awkward
"Did I scare you?" Vylad asks
"He's a little shy around our family I'm not sure why he has gotten better with friends though," I whisper.
Vylad smirks
"Ok I see," he says walking out.
"Anywho, me, Dante, Elena, and Garroth are playing baseball, wanna join?" Travis says
"Sure I just need to change, I can't play in a dress," I say and walk in my room.
I change into black shorts, a sailor moon shirt, and a rainbow hat with a cupcake on it. I walked into the bathroom and put my hair into a braid.
"You look great lez go!" Travis says.
We run into the backyard and start playing.

~time skip brought to you by ....bananas~

"HA out team won in your face losers!" Elena bragged, throwing her mit down.
"Hey that's not fair, we had Travis!" Dante complained.
"HEY!" Travis shouted.
I laugh
"Yeah well there's only 2 of us and we are girls and there's 3 of you and you are boys, soo that means girls rule boys drool!" I tease
"You cheat, you're a dog!" Garroth joked.
"Hey I'm not a dog, I'm a wolf and that doesn't do anything," I say
"Face it, you lost," Elena teased .
"Ugh you always beat me and I'm older!" Garroth complained.
"Actually mom said I'm older by 4 seconds!" Elena smirked.
"What?" Garroth gasped and Elena smiled and walked in the house.
"You just got dunked on!" Dante laughed (UNDERTALE!!!)
"EMMA WE NEED A LITTLE HELP HERE!" Vylad called from inside the house.
I run in and see Zane and vylad standing on the table with Clyde and Malachi barking at them.
"What did you do?" I ask
"Heh it turns out Laurance didn't take Malachi and oddly enough dogs don't like it when you uh... sit on them," Vylad says with dry laughter (that means he's sort of laughing but not completely thank you Netflix subtitles)
"You sat on a dog..." I say, picking up Clyde.
"Let me at 'em, let me at 'em," Clyde squirms
"Hey it's not my fault. Malachi is the same color as the couch!" Vylad said putting his hands in the air.
"Uh Vylad..Malachi, is black. The couch, is blue," I say
"Hey would you look at that did we get a new couch heh when did that happen?" Vylad says
"He's so stupid!" Zane groaned.
"Malachi he's sorry go play with El-errr Dante," I say and Malachi runs off.
"He sat on my friend you should not walk him for a week," Clyde said as Vylad and Zane got down.
"I'm going to play with my po-err race cars" Zane says going to his room.
"He's going to sit on me I just know it," Clyde said squinting his eyes.
I laugh.
"I don't think your dog likes me.. " Vylad says looking at Clyde.
"No I don't," Clyde growls
"Of course he does!" I smile
"That's not what I said!" Clyde groans and I put him down.
"I'm go play video games," Vylad said running off.
"Hm he got lucky he didn't sit down again," Clyde said
"Can't you forgive him he's just stupid," I say
"Fine..." Clyde smiled.
I jump as I hear a crash from outside.
I walk out and see Garroth doing Garroth things by the fence.
"Awe" she sighs
"Watcha doin'?" I ask
"Look what I found" he says happily showing me a black and purple cat. (Hehehe)
"Awe" I sigh. she was cute.
"I think someone dyed her I think I should wash her.
"No no Irene please no," the cat said.
"Uh maybe you shouldn't it's naturally purple," I say looking up from the cat.
"How can you tell" Garroth asks
"Err it doesn't smell like dye and...I'm a uhh dog so I know this stuff!" I say.
"Ok" Garroth says
"Thank Irene," the cat sighs.
"Im going to name her Sprinkles" Garroth says running into the house.
"Poor cat," Clyde sighs.
"Hehe yep!" I laugh walking in the house.
"Where did Garroth get a cat?" Travis asks as I walk in.
"Who knows?" I laugh.
"UHHH IRENE SAVE ME!" the cat yells.
"Emma can you watch Sprinkles for a bit I have to go get her a cute little dress," Garroth says running out the door.
"Hey," I say sitting down.
"She's talking to me, is she crazy like that other guy?" the cat says squinting her eyes.
"No I'm not crazy, I can understand animals, I'm Emma by the way!" I say she looks at me shocked.
"You're my hero..." she sighs
"What?" I ask
"Ok, so I was human but this weird cat named....GAH! Whatever the point is I want to be human again!" she crys
"Uhhhhh ok?" I say confused.
"What's it saying?" Travis asks making me jump.
"Uh she used to be a human but was turned to a cat," I reply.
"Oh I must apologize! I am Lord Aphmau of Phoenix Drop. It's a pleasure to meet you," she says, bowing
I couldn't help but squeal in my head she's so cute.
"Oh then we really need to get you back to normal, you're a lord," I say
"Wow a lord, cool so do you have powers?" Travis says
"What?" I look at him
"You know like she's an all mighty lord!" he says
"She's not that kind of lord Travis..." I sigh
"Oh..." he says disappointed.
"How did the cat say you can go back to normal?" I ask
"Showing someone how to like cats or something?" she says
"Yep ok, ZANE!" I yell.
"What do you want?" he groans.
"Watch this cat for me," I say handing her to him then running out the door.

~Time skip brought to you by Sprinkles~
I was pacing in the backyard.
"Calm down Emma," Travis laughs
"It's been too long and Zane doesn't have the best history around animals!" I say
I turn as I hear a noise on the gate. There was a girl with black hair.
"Uh hi!" I say
"Hello I would like to thank you," she says
"Uhh for what?" I ask
"Oh sorry it's me Aphmau," she says
"Ohhh ok your welcome" I say
"Here it's my phone number call me if you need me for anything, I have a feeling this isn't the last time we will meet," she says
I take the paper and wave and she runs off.
"Wow," Dante gasps
"Who's she?" he asks
"My uh friend, yeah so stay away from her!" I say walking in the house.
"Oh uh hey Garroth?" I say awkwardly 
"Where's Sprinkles?" he asks
"Err I let Zane watch her..." I say looking at Zane who had his face buried in a book.
"She ran away," Zane growled.
"W-what?" Garroth gasps
"Sorry Garroth but it was for the best," I say hugging him.
"I hate you," Zane growls at me
"Love you too!" I smile he rolls his eyes.
"SPRINKLES WHYYYYY?!?!?" Garroth crys running into his room.
"Wonder when that will get annoying oh yeah it already has," Zane growled going back to his book.

The Ro'maeve Family: a Minecraft Diaries fanfic Where stories live. Discover now