Chapter 9

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Thomas P.O.V

I stood there in the gloomy kitchen, with Newt relaxing his head in the crook of my neck. I could feel his breath tickling my neck. My hands rest on his lower back, tracing small, soft patterns on his t-shirt. We stood there for a couple more minutes, soaking up each other's embrace. Newt pulled away looking at me with his loving eyes, making me want to melt.

I reach forward slipping my warm hand into his cold one. I could swear the universe made us for each other. Our hands fit perfectly together, our body layer perfectly together and our lips fit together like a puzzle piece. Every moment together was heaven.

" I wanna take you somewhere. Do you wanna come with me?" Newt asked slightly scared. I rub my thumb against his skin, letting him know not to be scared around me.
" Lead the way, Love" I gestured towards the door with my head. I turned around laying my eyes on Newts flustered face. Newt looked down avoiding my glance.

We walked along a path holding hands, it would look like a tumblr post. Newt shivered with how cold it was so I pulled him closer moving my hand around his waist as he snuggled his head against my chest. After walking a little further, every now and again placing butterfly kisses against his forehead. We arrived at the most beautiful area ever.
A crystal blue waterfall, gracefully flowing into a pond.

" This is where I was yesterday" Newt says wrapping his arms around my neck, pulling me closer to his cold body. " Its so beautiful, just like you" I muttered into Newts golden hair while wrapping my arms tightly around his waist. Newt was admiring everything around us, while I was admiring what was soon going to be mine. " Newt, can I ask you something" I ask why looking at the angel in front of me.

Newt nodded his head looking up at me." Do you wanna be my Boyfriend?" I ask looking at him, scared of his answer. Instead of an answer, Newt reached up slamming his lips against mine. I kissed back just as hard, pulling him as close as possible. " So, it's a yes" I ask jokingly." Of course it is dumbass" Newt says ruffling my hair and stepping away from me. I take a cautious step forward, the he turns away and starts to to run into the Forrest.

I run after Newt, when he stops suddenly after running for a couple of minutes, I crash into him from behind turning around so I don't land on him.
My arms wrap around Newts waist, while he lets out a quite yelp. We landed on the floor with a thud. " Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did I land on you? Oh god have you broken something?" I started panicking, " Tommy, I'm okay" Newt says kissing me gently on my lips, trying to calm my down. In a way it wasn't working, but I was still worried. Newt gets up, holding his hand to help.

I place my hand into his, once I stand up, I moved my hand to fit in his. Newt smiles lovingly at my, when we hear a twig snap to our right. My head snapped in the direction, taking my hand out of Newts to place it on his shoulder to push him behind me to protect him. A small injured puppy, stumbled out of the darkness. Newt pushed through my protective grasp, running towards the puppy, picking it up and cradling it. " Tommy" Newt looks at me with his brown eyes.

"Can we keep him" I moved towards Newt, wrapping my left arm around his waist, running my fingertips over the puppies fur, " Sure, babe" I say giving Newt a kiss on his right temple. We take the puppy home, on the way Newt called the puppy Light. When got back, Newt toke Light to go and give him a wash them tend to his injuries.

I went to the cook, Chicken Roast with veggies for me and Newt while I made turkey, peas and potato for Light.  Half and Hour later, Newt comes out holding the puppy in his arms, his hair was dripping and damp meaning he showered, wearing my t-shirt and pj pants. " Hey cutie" I say smirking at my hot boyfriend.

He places Light on the floor on a pillow I bought from our bedroom. I'm standing behind the stove cooking the rest of our dinner. I heard Newt's pattering feet from behind and felt his warming presence behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, placing his chin on my shoulder, putting kissing up and down my jaw line sweetly.

"What's for dinner?" he asked looking at me, I took a glance at him before turning back. "You'll see." I replied. I felt the warmth leave my body. I dished up dinner, grabbing our plates and heading towards the couch where Newt had seated himself. I pleaded the freshly cook food on Newts lap, placing a sweet, gentle kiss on  his lips then siting down next to him, turning on the TV. We ate dinner in silence listen to the news on TV.

Once we finished, Newt toke the plates to the sink. " What movie do you wanna watch?" I shouted from the lounge room. " Anything, I don't bother me" Newt replied.
After I picked out Divergent, Newt came a sat down on the couch on to be pulled onto my lap. I pressed play on the remote. Only to be distracted twenty minutes into the film by Newt kissing my neck.

I placed my right hand on the hip to pull his closer, tracing patterns on his hip bone with my index finger. Newts lips moved from my neck to my collar bone, where a soft moan erupted from my mouth. He stopped and looked at me, gently biting his bottom lip. " Do you wanna go to bed" as soon as I opened my mouth it's started pouring down with rain. Newt nodded his head, wrapping his arms around my neck as I carried him bridal style to our bedroom. Gently placing him down, giving Newt a kiss before getting changed into something comfortable.

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