Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 -- Jasmine's POV

I can't believe I said that.

No, no, no. This cannot be. I won't have a chat or even look at a extremely dangerous criminal. Since I can't undo what I did in the past, I'll just have to go with the flow. Anyways, I think it made my best friends happy that I've finally got the spirit of robbing the L.A. amulet.


As I was going home, I received a text message from Samantha:

Ask Nathan about his grand uncle. It's related to the mission. Nathan is his somewhat grand nephew. Try to get him to spill on what he did so we won't need to go to the prison and talk with him.

I reached the front door of my house and entered. There, my dad was having a meeting with one of his clients. He greeted me as he saw me enter the house. "Jaz, how was your day sweetie?"

"Fine," I replied and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh, Mr. Aaron, this is my 16 year old daughter, Jasmine," he addressed his client.

"It's very nice to meet you, sir," I said.

"Sweetie, why don't you go up to your room," my dad suggested.

"Ok, dad. Nice to see you Mr. Aaron," I bid them both goodbye and headed straight up to my room.

As I approached my room, I heard murmuring sounds. "Quick! She's here! Hide!"

Now I know what's going on. It's my younger siblings, Josh and Janna. I didn't want to ruin the fun so I decided to play along. I entered the room and said out loud, "Huh, no ones in my room, and I'm lying down on my bed now."

"Got ya!" Josh exclaimed emerging from behind my bedroom door.

"Go! Go! Go!" Janna yelled happily.

"Ok guys, you got me. Now go back to your rooms because I have things to do," I said both hugging them.

"Ok," both said sadly. "Race you to your room!" both also said simultaneously.

You see, Josh and Janna are my sweet, adorable 5 year old siblings. In short, they're twins. They're a lot of fun to be with and it's good that they listen to what I say.

I closed my door, got changed, and went to my parents' room. I knocked and I heard my mom's voice, "Come in."

"Mom? It's me Jaz. You said that Nathan left his number where?"

"Oh, I left it on your study table," she replied.

"Oh ok, thanks mom."

I closed the door gently and proceeded to my room.


I dialed Nathan's number, and eventually, he picked up. "Jasmine. As expected," he said.

"Well, who else would it be?"

It seemed like we talked for hours and I almost forgot to ask him about Bert Hulk. I started like this. "Hey, we never even got to talk about our families."

"That's easy," he said. "I've got 2 older sisters and a younger brother."

"I meant like about your uncle and aunt or if you have more than one."

"Oh, I have no uncles or aunts. Both my parents had no siblings."

"What about grand uncle or grand aunt if you do have any."

"Well yeah, I have one grand uncle. He's kind of famous."

"Oh really? What's his name?"

"He doesn't like giving his name out to others."

"Oh, ok. I should respect that. It's getting late. See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure. Night, Jasmine. It was nice talking to you."

And he just hung up after that.

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