Chapter 20: Family

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"Mom!" yelled Ann Marie as she ran down the hill hugging her.
"Ann Marie! Where have you been?! I looked over this whole-" Frisk was cut off when she saw all her Friends from the underground coming her way along with...Sans.

Frisk's eyes built up with tears as all her friends stood before her. Sans walked up to her first. "I-is it really you?" asked Frisk in tears. "To real...I-I missed you." said Sans as his eye started glowing.

Frisk looked at him "I missed you too!" she said hugging him as Sans pulled Ann Marie in it. "We're finally a family" said Sans kissing Frisk on the forehead.

"Let Brother/Brother-in-law/Uncle Papyrus get in on this!" said Papyrus joining in the hug
as everyone else did to...

Later that day everyone was having a picnic outside of Frisk's house...
Papyrus was making Spaghetti with Frisk making her laugh. "HUMAN!!!! YOU SHALL NOT PASS THIS AREA!!" He said blocking the kitchen.

Undyne was feeding Alphys strawberries in the sun outside, Toriel and Asgore were talking, and Ann Marie and Thomas were laying in the grass together with Sans in the bushes. "DAD!! Don't You have somewhere else to be?! Like with mom!!" asked Ann Marie.

"Your Moms making spaghetti with Pap." said Sans. "good excuse dad!" said Ann Marie as she shot a Gasterblaster at Sans through the bushes. "Owww! Okay!!!" said Sans getting out and walking back to the house.

"Spaghetti's ready!!" said Papyrus as everyone came and ate.
Soon when dark hit...everyone layed in the grass looking up at the stars...

"It's much she's like you...if it wouldn't of been for her we wouldn't all be looking at the stars right now..." said Sans.
"She's like you too though Sans..." said Frisk.
"I'm grateful that we're all back on the surface once again..." said Alphys.
"All thanks to the girl who kept going..." said Undyne.
"And never gave up" said Asgore.
"And stayed caring and kind no matter what" said Toriel.
"Who brought us back to the Surface and freed us..." said Papyrus.

"A Thing Called Determination" they all said.
"And We All Have It!" Ann Marie giggled as they all laughed.

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