10 ~ A Date Right?

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"Woah.." I said as I looked around the room. Let's just say my friends really do know how to set the mood.

Okay, so the front room was only lit by candle light, and there was a bowl of popcorn on the table with the tv remote beside it, and the couch was all out so it was the sofa bed, and there was blankets, and-- I'm going on too much. You can picture the rest, it was just, perfect.

"Thanks so much guys.." I said to them both.
"It's no problem!" Ross said to me and punched my arm.
"Hey!" I laughed.

Ross and Tim left after that, I had a half hour before Ella was coming, so I just practised in my mind what I would say to her. I was actually quite excited, I was gonna ask a girl out tonight! Wait, what is she said no..

That was when the anxiety kicked in.
'Should I ask her?'
'Yes.. No.. Yes..'
'C'mon Max..'
'She's gonna say no..'
My brain just completely freaked out, if she said no, could we still be friends? I hoped so. I just hoped she said yes, that would be great. That actually would be amazing.

I let out a happy sigh as I heard the knock on the door. I went and opened it.
"Hey Ella!" I said and smiled bright.
"Hey Ma-- Woah." She said as she saw the room. "This is.. Wow."
"Neat right? My room-mates done this for me, they knew you were coming over.." I said to her.
"So we're watching movies?" She asked.
"Yeah! Is that okay?"
"Yeah that's cool, like a date right?"
"A D-Date?"
Again, my brain freaked when she said that.
"Yeah! A date! Just me and you.. A that not what this is?"
"Y-Yeah! A date! Just us! Yeah!" I showed a small smile.
So this was 'a date'? I don't even know.. I'm really not experienced when it comes to this stuff, I've said before, but it really is hard to get a girlfriend when you're a vampire...

She knew I was nervous, I could tell. We talked for a while then I put on a movie, it was a marvel movie but she liked it, she told me she was a nerd for all this stuff and I loved that.

"So, why did you ask me here? Just to watch a movie?" Ella asked me.
"Uh.. No actually, this was all my friends idea, you see--"
"Max, you idiot, I know why I'm here, did you forget I was a vampire?" She laughed.
I couldn't believe I completely forgot she had probably already picked up what was going on here, it was a vampire thing. Extra senses and stuff.

"Uhh.. W-What?" I said to her.
"I know you wanted to ask me out, so, are you gonna?" She said to me.
"Depends on the answer.." I smirked.
"Oh shut up.." She answered. I just looked at her.
"So is that a yes?"
She shook her head and rolled her eyes before placing a small kiss on my lips.

"It's a yes, Dummy.."

Thanks for reading!! I hope you're enjoying the story and see ya next chapter! ~ Alex

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