Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I stood in front of his door, this isn't like me at all. Jesus Christ, what's wrong with me? I put my hand on the door handle, my hand is trembling. Why is my hand trembling? I think I should listen to Mum and go to counselling..

Back to reality, Chelsea.. Just go in. Why can't I go in? Gah.

I push the door handle down and my phone vibrated, its like 12 midnight.. Who will message me at midnight? I took my hand off the door handle and took out my phone. Granny is calling me. Granny rarely calls me.. Unless there's an emergency at home.

I quickly answer the call, "Chelsea, where are you?" Granny asks in worried tone. "We're at the hospital, your Mum is admitted to the hospital!" my eyes widen, "where are you? I will come right away," I say, "room 153" she replies and I quickly went all the way to the end of the hallway.

4 Days Later

We sit down at the chairs, we're having an interview now. Me and Lea. "Hi, Chelsea Smith and Lea Sherwood," the interviewer says, we smiled. "So Chelsea just have her single out yesterday and its already like 5 million views in 5 hours," he says, we nodded, smiling.

"The song is 'Pieces' and it was written by myself," I say, "not bad," he nodded. "And I heard your Mum got admitted to the hospital a few days ago?" he asks and I nodded in reply. "She have stomach cancer and its the Terminal stage," I started off, "she was in coma when I see her and when she fainted, I wasn't at home," I say, thinking back.

"I was actually at the hospital visiting Luke Hemmings," I say, chuckling nervously. "And for like a few days, she didn't went back to the hospital because she was so busy, writing songs, preparing for her new album out and stuff," Lea says, I nodded slightly. "How many days you didn't see your Mum or family?" he asks, "about 4 days," I replied.

"Wow, that's quite a long time, how about you?" he asks, Lea. "Well, my parents live in Germany and quite busy business partners so I live with older brother who is working as a bartender so I don't get to see him," Lea replies, "wow you guys are busy people," he says, "and on Twitter, you all gain like a lot of followers now," he says, picking up a paper.

"And your fans seems to increase every minute, like Chelsea who is half-British and half-Australian, who have an Australian accent instead of British Accent," he says, looking at me. "Yeah, I was kinda of hoping for British accent because it just seems.. Cool," I say, Lea nodded in agreement in some kind of a way.


I enter the studio, "okay, you have like 11 songs in your album now, it will be out in the next few days," Alex says, I groan tiredly. "Just don't tell me about my albums or concerts or anything, my Mum have cancer and I'm such a wimp," I say, sitting on the sofa.

They all groan and throw their heads back, "you know you're free now right?" Clary asks, I raised my eyebrows. "By the way, I'm getting married," Jace, one of my crew members enter. He is the oldest and a goof. "Aw, I wonder who is the lucky girl," Clary cooed, "her name is Dawn and we've together for 2 years now and decided to get married, this coming Saturday," Jace replied, I raised my eyebrows.

"Congrats," we say in unison, I stand up from the sofa. "I'm going to the hospital.. But who should I visit first?" I asks myself, I look at my crew members. "Yeah, I know, I need serious counselling," I say, walking out.

I got into Lea's car, "but seriously who should I visit first?" I asks Lea. "Chelsea, get over it! Just go visit your Mum first!" Lea replied, completely frustrated.


I open the door to my Mum's ward, "gosh, we never see you in 4 days and you look.. So different," Shane says, "you broke my bike," I reminded him, snapping. He steps away and went to Mum's side. "She woke up yesterday but then she took some medicine so she's resting now," Cheryl says with little Jeremy in her hands.

"Where's Granny?" I asks, leaning against the wall. "Home with Rue and Max," Shane replied, I let out a sigh. "I'm going to visit Luke now," I say, awkwardly. "You haven't visited him?" Cheryl asks, I nodded in reply. "I chickened out," I say, in a soft tone and walks out of the ward.

I walk slowly to the Luke's ward or should I stay in Mum's ward? What's wrong with me? I groan softly to myself, "hi, Chelsea, long time no see!" The boys waved at me from the other side, we get in a quick group hug. "Visiting Luke?" Calum asks, I let out a soft, shaky sigh and nodded in reply.

"Well, he is still coma because Chelsea haven't visited him yet," Lea says, sarcastically. I roll my eyes and open the door. The door closes and I'm alone with Luke who still looks pale. I stood beside his bed, "come on, Luke, wake up," a tear went down my cheek. Gosh, why am I crying?

"Luke, I'm sorry," I say, sitting on the chair. "Come on, idiot," I wipe my tears away, I'm so stupid. Once I've stopped crying, I stood up and walk out of the room. "Aw, Chelsea.. Did you cry?" Lea asks, hugging me and patting me on the back. "Group hug!" Calum whisper-yell since we're in a hospital.


"Has Mum woken up yet?" I asks, entering the ward. "Yeah, good as ever," Mum replies, I smile and went over. "How are you doing, dear?" she asks, "fine.. Except that I really need to go counselling like you said," I replied, she chuckles. "How's Luke?" she asks, in a very tired tone.

"He's still in coma," I replied, mumbling. "Mum, its all my fault," I whimpered, tears rolling down my cheeks. "Honey, it wasn't your fault, it was Stephanie's," she says, "and after all the bullying you got, she deserved to be in jail," she added.

"You knew about me getting bullied?" I asks, wiping my tears away. Man, what's wrong with me nowadays? "Honey, the 4 devils have been crying about it since you protected them so much," she replies, she let out a sigh.

"I'm really tired," she says, closing her eyes. "Have some rest," I say, getting up. I let out a sigh and walk out of the ward.

Man, I never eaten in days.. I open the door to Luke's ward, "still not awake?" I asks, "wait a minute.. I gotta stop talking to myself," I say, sitting on the chair that is placed near the bed. I seriously need major counselling.

"Luke, wake up," I mutter, looking at him.

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