Chapter 18 [Last Chapter]

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Chapter 18

"Luke, I don't have time for your jokes," I stated, I walk to motorcycle and paparazzi started crowding around. "Chelsea!" Luke shouts from somewhere, I sort of lost him.. I guess. "Come on," someone grabs my hand, "Chelsea! Are you and Luke Hemmings together?" One of the guy asks, "yes, we are," Luke replied.


We got into his car and he drove off to somewhere. We are? He loves me? What?

"Hailstorm coming in!" The radio is turned on, hailstorm? "Damn it," Luke mumbles, why did I admit that I love him? That's incredibly stupid. I'm incredibly stupid!


We enter my house, drenched. "Hang on, I will give you something dry," I say, trying to switch on the lights. "Dang it," I mumbled, frustrated. I quickly went to the kitchen, I heard something outside. I grab the torchlight, "hello? Who's there?" I asks, walking towards to the door.

I put my hand on the door knob, "Chelsea, you okay?" Luke asks, his hair wet and messy. "Yeah, I just heard something outside," I replied in a soft tone. I pull the door open, "oh it's a little puppy!" Luke exclaims, picking it up the little puppy. "And I thought it was something scary," He mumbles, I close the door. "I guess my whole family is in the diner," I say, walking up the stairs.

I enter the family bathroom, Luke put the puppy in the sink. "This guy needs a bath," he says, "are you going to bring him home?" I asks, raising my eyebrows. "No," he replies, "it's a gift for you," he says, I smiled slightly. His lips touch mine and move in sync. And we have to stop because the puppy bark at us.

"I will go get the towels," I mumbled, awkwardly. He smiles slightly, I walk out of the bathroom and went to take the towels. Then a giggle comes out of my mouth, I put my hand over my mouth. It's just a kiss. And I hate him. A lot. I don't know.. Okay.

"I love Luke Robert Hemmings," I mumbled to myself in the mirror. "And I love Chelsea Drew Smith," Luke stood by the door, my eyes widen in embarrassment. He took the towels from me and went to dry the puppy. I sit on my bed, that's so embarrassing. Geez, I need more privacy. I look at Luke and the puppy. Aw, they both look so cute.

No, the puppy looks cute. I'm crazy. The puppy falls asleep on my desks. Aw. My phone vibrated, I answer it. "Hey, the hailstorm is big, are you safe?" Cheryl asks, "yeah, when the hailstorm is over, can you go get dog food and dog stuff? We have a puppy," I say, Luke sits beside me, flipping his hair around. The water went in my eye, dang it.

I rub my eyes, "yay!" She cheered, I smiled slightly. "We got a lot of customers so I gotta go!" She exclaims and the line went dead. I put my phone on the night table. "Chelsea!" I heard Lea shouted from downstairs. "Here!" I shouted back, she runs in.

She looks at me and Luke.


"Oh little puppy!" She squeals and step out of the room, she's always been scared of them because she was younger, a dog bite her. She took out something from her pocket, "I caught an ice," she smiles innocently.

"Why are you here?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. "Oh, we're flying to London tonight," she replies, "tonight?" Luke repeated, "yeah tonight," Lea says. "Pack your bags," Lea says, opening my walk-in closet door.

"Wait, I'm going too?" I asks as she took out my luggage, she nodded in response. "Why?" I asks, "because we have a gig in London but then your problem with your Dad came up," Lea replies, oh yeah. "Geez, you've been forgetting things lately," Lea mumbles, picking out clothes from my closet. "Oh no, I becoming like Luke!" I exclaims, dramatically.

Luke looks at me with the 'seriously' look, I chuckled. "What's going between you both?" Lea asks, her eyebrows furrowed. "Nothing," me and Luke replied at the same time, the little puppy jumps down from the desks, Lea screams and went into the walk-in closet, slamming the door close.

Luke chuckles and pick up the puppy in his hands, "Lea, is fine, come out," I say, "Chelsea, you still owe me 5 bucks," Alex says, entering my room. I sigh and stood up, "where's my wallet?" I asks, feeling nothing in my pockets. "Shit," I mumbled, looking under my bed and everywhere. "I thought Lea was here," Alex says, opening the door to the walk-in closet door.

"What are you doing?" Alex asks, looking at her. Where's my wallet? I look around frantically. "Chelsea, its just a wallet, your credit card and identity card is here," Luke says, looking at the desks. "Yeah Chelsea, you can get a new one," Alex says.

"No! You don't get it, inside there's a song sheet!" I exclaims, frantically. I went out of my room and look around carefully. "So what? Its just a song sheet," Alex says, "but on the song sheet, its written I love Luke Hemmings on it!" I shouted, they all look at me, I put my hand over my mouth. Shit.

"You love Luke?" Alex looks at Luke. This is the worst day ever!


We reach London, doing a sound check with the boys. I sit at the back row with my whole crew, eating popcorn. "Chelsea, I heard you said you love Luke," Jace says, I took the popcorn and throw it to his face. "This song goes out to Chelsea Smith," my head snaps to the stage, Luke smiles, "its getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes," Alex sings jokingly as Lea pinches my cheeks.

You call me up,
It's like a broken record
Saying that your heart hurts
That you'd never get over him getting over you

They started singing Heartbreak Girl, gah.

And you end up crying
And I end up lying
Cause I'm just a sucker for anything that you do

And when the phone call finally ends
You say thanks for being a friend,
And I'm going in circles again and again

I dedicate this song to you
The one who never sees the truth
That I can take away your hurt
Heartbreak girl

Hold you tight straight through the daylight,
I'm right here when you gonna realize that I'm your cure,
Heartbreak girl,

Soon the song is over, "Chelsea Smith, would you be my girlfriend?" He asks, through the microphone. "Oh..." They all looks at me, smiling and cheering. "Yes," I replied, "she said yes!" Lea shouted then let out a scream.


"Hey," Luke enters the room after their concert is finish. I smiled slightly, "Luke, I need to tell you something," I say, biting my lips. "Found your wallet," he smirks, I took the wallet from him. "Where's the song sheet?" I mumbled to myself, "here," he replies to my question. "I love Luke Hemmings, he's adorable," he started off, I took the paper from him and tear it to pieces. Man, this is so embarrassing.

He chuckles, "what do you want to tell me?" He asks, raising my eyebrows. "That every time I'm with you, the feeling its different from all my exes. And to say the truth, its actually my First Time feeling like this," I replied, smiling awkwardly. "Yeah, all your exes are douches," he agrees, I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

"Including you," I say, jokingly.

He chuckles and look into my eyes. "I love you," He whispers, "I love you too," I smile, biting my lips nervously. "You might wanna put that in your song sheet," He says, I gave him the 'Seriously?' Look.



Hey guys! LAST CHAPTER! Annddd erm, thanks for reading. I have really no idea how to end the story so I gave it an awkward story ending because I'm having writers-block :/ .

SO yeah, thanks. xx

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